
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Keeping Our Little Athletes Hydrated with Body Armour

Thank you to BODYARMOR and Kroger for sponsoring this post through the Mom It Forward program. All thoughts and awesome opinions are our own!

Summer Break is in full swing, but even though we are enjoying the lazier school free days that come with the season, our sports activities have marched on without missing a beat. Of our six kids, we have been lucky enough to have five little athletes on our hands (It's still too early to tell for Baby Cute, but based off her couch flipping skills it's probably safe to say she's not too far behind the elders.), and during the year we make sure to do everything we can to keep their little bodies running at top shape so that they can have the tools necessary to play their best.

Refuel and hydrate athletes with BODYARMOR

The summer months can be brutal for athletes - as well as spectators (a.ka. sideline cheering parents and siblings!) - and those scorching practices and games can take their toll if you don't come prepared to combat the elements. As veteran sports moms we've learned a trick or two for keeping everyone on our team happy, healthy, hydrated and ready to bring the heat (not just bake in it). 

We know that staying properly hydrated is a major factor not only for our little ones athletic success, but for their overall health. Here are some tips and tricks we've learned to ensure that everyone stays as hydrated as possible during these hot and humid months of the summer.

Cool Clothing

Having the right clothing can make or break and athlete somedays. When field temps can sometimes reach into the hundreds during the warmer months of the year, the heat in combination with all their gear and clothing can make a little athlete sweat more than normal. 

Heat geared clothing that wicks away moisture and promotes air flow is what we aim to put our kids in. We choose things lighter in color and loose so that they can keep their bodies as cool as possible while running around. 

They'll still be sweaty, but hopefully by giving them a little more air flow with cooler clothing their bodies have retained some of the hydration that it needs. 

Drinks...lots and lots of drinks!

One of the best, and most obvious, ways to keeping little ones hydrated is by having regular access and breaks to have a drink. Aside from carrying large sports jugs of water with us at all times, we pack additional drinks in our sports coolers to give the kids options when it comes to rehydrating. 

Our personal favorite to pack is BODYARMOR. We've been long time fans of this sports drink because of they way it provides superior hydration, but without any artificial colors or sweeteners.  This healthier alternative to traditional sports drinks contains only 20 calories per serving, and is low in sodium and high and potassium. It's made with coconut water and packed with electrolytes and essential vitamins. With all the added benefits of this sports drink we know it's the best thing to have on hand for when our athletes need to refuel. 

Keep athletes hydrated with BODYARMOR

BODYARMOR comes in a ton of yummy flavors that the kids love, and we usually make sure we are fully stocked anytime we head to Kroger so that we have plenty on hand at all times. After all that running, swimming, flipping, cheering, kicking, twirling, and base running we want their little bodies to soak up as much goodness as they can! 

Downtime Drinking

In the warmer months of the year we have learned that off the field hydration is just as important as on the field. We continually make sure that our little athletes stay hydrated even when they aren't practicing or playing at the moment. 

From quiet downtime to other activities we may be enjoying, we make sure that our sports lovers are drinking as much as they can so that they can be well hydrated before they even step onto the field, up to the plate, or shout one cheer. 

And if you are on the sidelines watching your siblings, it's still hot and we make you drink too! Keeping hydrated all day every day is our goal!

In it to win it!

We want to keep you and your athletes hydrated too! We love BODYARMOR so much that we've teamed up with our partners at Kroger to let you in on a fun deal they are having as well as a chance to win a gift card to buy your own!

We are giving a chance to not one, but TWO lucky readers to win a $25 gift card to Kroger to give this super sports drink a try. Enter below and the winners will be announced on July 6th.

If you want to give BODYARMOR a try before then we have a special coupon for you! Visit your local Kroger and use this coupon to receive a special discount on your purchase of BODYARMOR. Also, as a bonus Kroger is doing a 10 for $10 promotion on BODYARMOR until July 4th. A great time to give it a try and stock up for your little athlete before they kick up their training again after the holiday weekend!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To learn more about BODYARMOR

What are some of your sports mom essentials for keeping little athletes hydrated? 

How to keep young athletes hydrated with the best sports drink. BODYARMOR is made with coconut water, and is a premium sports drink with vitamins without the artificial flavors or sweeteners.

**GIveaway winners must be 18 or older. They must be a U.S. resident and claim their prize within 24hrs or an alternative winner will be chosen. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Kitchen Confessions: Patriotic Parfaits

It's no secret that we love holidays around here.  In fact, the 4th of July might just be one of our all-time favorites.  

It falls in the middle of summer, we get to dress our kids up in adorable red, white and blue attire, we're usually around some sort of water, and we get to hang out with our friends and family celebrating this amazing country we live in while watching fireworks.  What isn't to love about it!  

We try to come up with some sort of yummy dessert to serve each holiday and this year for the 4th of July we made Patriotic Parfaits!  They are so easy to put together and oh so yummy!  

Be sure to head on over to Savvy Sassy Moms to check out the recipe and details for this super cute treat.  

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Cinderella Della at the Center For Puppetry Arts

Last week we were invited to see the new Cinderella Della Circus show at the Center for Puppetry Arts. I've always wanted to take the kids to the Center, so I was so excited to go. The Cutes didn't know what to expect, but they loved it!

It was day five post vacation of nothing but rain, so this opportunity came at the perfect time. After a week of playing in the sunshine on sandy beaches to being trapped in the house, they were going a little stir crazy. We were all ready to get out of the house. 

We arrived just as the show was starting, and the kids were in awe of the whimsical stage. 

The Cinderella Della Circus show is part of the Center's family series. It follows the classic fairytale of Cinderella, but with a fun circus themed twist. It was cute and funny, and all around a great family show. 

The show runs until July 23rd with several performances each day. If you are in Atlanta and want a little break from the heat, or if you are visiting Atlanta this summer, I would highly recommend it. 

The Cutes loved it, and already have been asking to go back and see another one of the shows in the family series. Now knowing how much they enjoyed the whole experience, I definitely am planning to bring them back sooner rather than later. 

After the show, attendees were able to head upstairs to the workshop area to create their own puppet character from the show. 

The kids were so in awe of all the puppets hanging on the wall, and we learned that you are able to actually purchase several of the puppet making kits in their gift shop. 

The Cutes couldn't wait to create their very own Stretcho rod puppet, and got to work right away. 

All the kits, directions, and tools were already set up for the kids as they walked into the room. There were a ton of craft supplies available for the kids to use. I loved seeing how each child in the room decorated their Stretcho puppet. Cute felt his needed a little football/ninja twist. (That would be a helmet on his head and a ninja star in his hand. #boymom)

After the kids completed their Strecho puppets, they were able to put them to work. The workshop room has a little curtain and stage set up for the kids to create their own puppet show. They had a blast doing this, and I had a hard time getting them to leave the room when time was up. 

After their Stretcho shows had taken their final bow, we took advantage of the free time to check out the museums on site. 

The Cutes loved walking through the Worlds of Puppetry Museum and checking out all of the different puppets throughout history. They enjoyed the hands on portions and being able to interact with several of the exhibits themselves. 

The Jim Henson Collection might have been their favorite - if only because it was filled with characters that they recognize. 

It was fun for both the kids and I to learn about Jim Henson, and see how much work, effort and creativity goes into each every one of the characters that we have all grown up with. 

Some of the puppets on hand were life size. There was a large Big Bird, and my personal favorite - Miss Piggy. 

This section also had several interactive exhibits. Their favorite part by far was the area that let the kids learn how puppets were seen on the big screen.

They made up different scenes, played different characters, got to interact with other children, and of course, see themselves on camera. They loved every bit of it. And I'm pretty sure would have stayed until closing time if I let them. 

The whole experience at the Center for Puppetry Arts was so much fun. The Center has a little something for every interest and for all ages. They are always putting on fabulous events, fun camps, and great shows. I can't believe what all we have been missing out considering how close to home this is for us, but now that I know, we will definitely be back soon. 

What has been your favorite show to see at the Center for Puppetry Arts? What should we see next? Or do you have a puppet theater in your town - share with us!

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**Thank you BravePR and the Center for Puppetry Arts for hosting us. All thoughts and opinions are our own. **

Friday, June 23, 2017

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday Friends!!!  So happy to have this day finally here.  It's the last day of our swim team, the end of a busy week, and we're looking forward to heading out of town next week, so lots of great things going on this Friday!

As usual, we're linking up with some of our favorite bloggers to share our Friday Favorites.  I've got a random assortment of favorites to share today. 

Our sweet friend, Kathryn, at Feathered Nest Boutique sent us these gorgeous handmade oyster shell necklaces and we've been swooning over them ever since.  She has flash sales on her site every Sunday evening at 8 PM where she offers one of a kind necklaces similar to these.  Once they are gone, they are gone!  Be sure to check her out and check on Sunday for these beautiful necklaces! 

Some of you may remember that a while back I shared about Smile Brilliant for my Mommy Maintenance series.  It is my favorite way to whiten my teeth and I love using my trays to help maintain my white smile every now and then! They are offering a gift card giveaway right now for our readers.  One lucky reader will get a $25 off gift card to put towards your own teeth whitening kit.  Click HERE to enter. 

Sleeping in.  Need I say more?!   While we still have to be up for swim team practice, summer training sessions for soccer and other camps and activities, we're definitely sleeping in more than we would during the school year and that is just making us all very, very happy.  Sleeping in is probably my very favorite morning activity and this guy's, too!

Last Friday I shared about our Summer THING which is most definitely swimming as much and as often as we can.  With us I always have Fruit Shoot® packed in our cooler.  You can't beat the resealable sports lid for pool days and the fact that there is no artificial flavoring and no added sugar is a bonus!  My local grocery store has it, but to find a retailer near you check HERE

I drink a lot of water throughout the day and there are times when I want a little something added to it for some flavor and just to switch things up.  I also snack a lot now that the kids are home for summer, which isn't always the best thing.  Not long ago we were introduced to LiquiSlim 24 which is a brand new crave-busting and mood-boosting water drop. It is supposed to help promote weight loss by helping diminish carb cravings, control blood sugar levels and promote a healthier lifestyle.  All things that are a bonus in my book.  Plus, it tastes really great, too so I love adding it to my regular and sparkling water.  To learn more check out their website HERE


DIY projects are always some of my favorite posts and I have a little project I've been working on that I hope to share next week!  This was my inspiration.  

It should be no shocker that Jen and I both love all things magnolia and I've been eyeing these magnolia wreaths for ages.  Now that our basement is almost complete, I finally have a place for one (or two).  However, last week I was in my favorite craft store, Hobby Lobby, and got a wild idea to create my own instead of purchasing them.  So far, so good and I'm so excited to share the finished product.  

We hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!  
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