It's official...Cute is four! And wow, did we celebrate in style! Our little four year old is so spoiled loved, that he had not one, but TWO birthday parties!
Each year we try to do a family party and a friend party. The friend party is usually just a blur of little boy running around at warp speed, so we try to do something separate for family so they can interact with the kids on their own.
Usually we do the family party at our house, but this year we changed it up a bit. Originally we were going to surprise him with Chuck E Cheese, but shockingly none of the family members seemed to excited about it.
After doing some brainstorming, The Hubs and I realized everyone might have fun at Andretti's, which is a local indoor race track with tons of games, simulators, zip lines and ropes course. Once we confirmed that Cute would be able to race in a car we made the arrangements, and boy were we glad we did. It was so. much. fun!!!
Cute was off the moment we got there and busied himself playing every game possible. And they truly have every game known to man.
Even crazy games, like this one...
Wrap your mind around that for a moment.
I still don't know what to think.
Then it was time to race! I am not sure who was more excited...the men or Cute. I give Uncle T's girlfriend H a ton of credit for joining in. That was a whole ton of excited testosterone that was about to be allowed to drive a race kart 35mph, and I wasn't about to touch that opportunity with a ten foot pole.
Cute and The Hubs giving me the thumbs up. (He's so tiny!!! Tear.)
Then, as if the day couldn't get any better, who walks in the race area but Homer the Brave and a few Braves players.
Again, I am not sure who was more excited...the men or Cute.
The Braves Caravan is making its way around the South and there was an event scheduled at Andretti's for that day. We had no clue and all the players were so nice giving Cute hi-fives and taking a few pictures. Cute declared it the best birthday ever.
After all the racing was finished we headed over to the in facility restaurant for some lunch and some of the infamous birthday cake. Nope not Spiderman. Star Wars. All that party planning and months of telling me he wanted a "Spiderman cake and nothing else on it" to choose something completely different. And buddy was not about to be redirected. I did the only thing a slightly OCD mama, who has a penchant for things to be matching at all times, could do and ordered two cakes. The cake he chose for his family party, and a Spiderman cake to match his theme for the friend party.
He was beyond excited and told everyone about his "big bad birthday cake". Even Homer.
Sunday, we did a quick flip and it was time for the Super Hero party. Not one to miss out on a chance to wear theme wear, I had super hero t-shirts ready for the whole family. Carrie Beth loaned me her hubby's Captain America shirt from Halloween, Little Cute wore her brother's shirt from when he was younger, complete with cape, and Cute and I donned the same shirts (Superman and Batman)we wore to the Marvel Universe Live show last month.
The now super infamous Spiderman cake made its way to the party (finally), and we were ready to celebrate four with a bang, boom, and pow!
We hosted the party at a local gym. The kids have a blast and can run, jump, and bounce their little hearts out. I love seeing them run around like crazy. It is fun fun chaos! Not to mention the added bonus of that fun chaos not happening at my house.
I didn't take too many pictures because I was trying to keep up with my two crazy Cutes. I did manage a photo or two of Little Cute since she was the more stationary of the two. Girl was not about to give up the trampoline.
Cute had a blast with all his friends, and kept telling me later it was his best birthday ever. The weekend was a blast and we are so thankful we have so many special people in our lives who love and celebrate our son just as much as we do.
Now I'm off to wrap my mind around the fact my little baby is growing up. Sniff sniff. I plan on distracting my self tonight with my DVR'd Bachelor and some more of that left over Star Wars birthday cake. Crazy and carbs are always good for lifting one's spirits.

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Happy belated birthday, Parker!