
Friday, March 6, 2015

National Reading Month {A Giveaway}

This past week kicked off the National Reading Month, and most students across the U.S. participated in a variety of events to help celebrate.  Social media seemed like it was a storm of reading activity, with parents sharing cute photos of their children dressed like story book characters, and big corporations like Amazon doing multiple giveaways and announcing their "100 Books to Read in a Lifetime" list. 

On March 2nd, the beloved late Dr. Seuss was honored and celebrated among readers both young and young at heart, and tongues were twisting everywhere. 

It is no hidden fact that we love to read, and love sharing that joy with our children. We look forward to sharing each installment of the children's favorite book series, and more recently have had fun kicking off our book club with you. 

Which, by the way, I just started reading this month's selection (Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard), and I cannot put it down! 

To help celebrate National Reading Month we thought we would do a fun giveaway! Partnering with our friends at The Avenue, we are giving away to one lucky reader a $20 Books-A-Million gift card!

The Rules
The giveaway is simple. No hoops or loops. Simply just leave us a comment letting us know you would like to enter by answering the question, "What is your favorite book?". The winner will be announced on Monday, March 16th. 

Happy weekend everyone!
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  1. It's been a fun week in our house celebrating Dr. Seuss with my daughter at school.
    But my favorite book w/in the past few years would have ot be "The Antelope in the Living Room". It was seriously such a fast and fun read!
    Have a great wknd!

  2. Love this giveaway :) My favorite book is a toss up between East of Eden and The Poisonwood Bible.

  3. My favorite book is Harry Potter!!! My second favourite is Delirium

  4. Um... That is a really hard question for me since I love to read... But, probably beach Music by Pat Conroy. Although the whole Twlight series is a favorite. If I'm honest there are not to many books I don't like :-)

  5. It is very hard to choose only one, but the great southern classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, is an all-time favorite!

  6. It is definitely hard to choose one book. I would have to say that the book that had the greatest impact on me as a reader is Wicked by Gregory Macquire.

  7. My favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird.

  8. My favorite book The Vampire Lestate

  9. The Stone Monkey by Jeffrey Deaver.

  10. My favorite boat is Nineteen Minutes.
    Brittney House

  11. My favorite book is Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  12. My favorite book is the Chronicles of Narnia series. It has been since I was a child!
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

  13. I have many, but my all-time favorite is The Stand by Stephen King. cheryl dot free at icloud dot com

  14. I have way too many favorites to list! But, I'll share something I recently LOVED and it's my currently favorite. the fringe hours! Thanks for a chance!

  15. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice.

  16. I can't imagine just picking one favorite. I will pick the one that is most read :). I love the whole Anne of Green Gables series.

  17. I am really into the Hunger Games series right now. After seeing the movies I can't put the books down!

  18. It would be hard to choose just one favorite. So I will say right now that the kids and I are really enjoying the Little House series!!

  19. There are so many great books... not sure I could pick a favorite. Right how I am reading a book on queen rearing (honey bees)!

  20. I will have to say, "Charlotte's Web." It was a great book.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  21. My favoritebook is tina fey's bossy pants

  22. My favorite book is Flowers in the Attic.

  23. After about 70 years of reading, I have many favorite books. One that I keep going back to is Dawn's Early Light by Thane.

  24. Erin G
    eringwynn (at) Hotmail (dot) com

    I really love Dr Suess books (my kids and I read them each night). But if I'm just reading for myself I really enjoy history books (esp World War 2) and true crime books.

    I follow yall on Pinterest :)

  25. I have many favorites but anything Dickens is awesome to me! I really love Bleakhouse. However, as old as I am I still love revisiting my Nancy Drew books that I loved as a kid. They take me right back to being 10.

  26. I have many favorites but anything Dickens is awesome to me! I really love Bleakhouse. However, as old as I am I still love revisiting my Nancy Drew books that I loved as a kid. They take me right back to being 10.

  27. My favorite is The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.

  28. I loved the Harry Potter series!

    Carly D.

  29. I like the Fablehaven series.

  30. My favorite book is Where The Heart Is.

  31. I'm probably too late, but I would like to say my favorite book is Mr. Putter and Tabby, use to be a favorite series of books I couldn't wait to read. :)

  32. my fave book is Bridget Jones Diary. I read that book whenever i am going through a hard time and it always makes me happy

  33. How do we pick just one??? My favorite that I have read recently is Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? By Mindy Kaling

  34. My favorite book of all times is Where the Sidewalk Ends By Shel Silverstein . My first grade teacher would read parts of this to us and I would always read it to my kids.

  35. My favorite book of all times is Where the Sidewalk Ends By Shel Silverstein . My first grade teacher would read parts of this to us and I would always read it to my kids.

  36. I have a ton of favorite books! I can ready Christy a million times though!

  37. Thank You for the giveaway…my favorite book is W. Somerset Maugham's novel, "Of Human Bondage".

  38. My favorite book is "the last of the really great whangdoodles" read it for the first time as a child a few decades ago and loved it since
