
Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Favorites: Spring Style

Yay for Friday!!!  Today we are linking up with Andrea, Erika and Narci for Friday Favorites, but first I want to announce the winner of our Williams-Sonoma gift card giveaway.

Congratulations to Erin Fesperman. 

We can't wait to hear what you are going to spend it on!  Please email us to claim your prize at

Now onto the Friday Favorites!  Last week Jen and I, along with the other Savvy Sassy Scouts, took part in a fun Pinterest party creating a Spring Style board.  Oh my goodness. If we didn't already have spring fever, we sure did after this night of pinning.  I had a lot of favorites from that night and definitely have a long wish list going on, but wanted to share my very favorites here today!

Spring Workout Wear 
There is nothing more that gives me motivation to work out than knowing I will be in a swimsuit soon.  My kids only have 2 weeks of school left and then we will be in bathing suits pretty much everyday.  I have really been trying to kick it into high gear and run 5 days a week in order to get ready or summer.  Having cute workout wear definitely helps me want to actually get it done and when I saw these adorable floral running shorts pinned it was love at first sight.  How cute are they?!?! I'm just sure they would make me run faster and longer.

Spring Scalloped Edges 
After seeing the pins with all of the scalloped edges I was swooning.  I'm not sure what it is about this look, but this trend is definitely my favorite for spring.  There is something just so feminine about it and whether it is on shorts, dresses, or even a bag, it adds that extra something special!

I actually have THESE shorts and totally adore them.  I'm thinking I might need some more scalloped edges in my wardrobe though!

Spring Pastel Converse 
I have seen lots of adorable outfits paired with converse and I know the white is pretty classic, but my favorites are the pastel colors.  This image was pinned to our board and I loved it. I'm not sure which one I would choose, but I really think they are perfect for a casual spring day!

Spring Bag
I mentioned a few weeks ago HERE that I would love a new bag for spring.  A tote style that is large enough to toss everything I need in it is ideal and there were some gorgeous ones pinned to our board. I think my favorite is this Kate Spade tote. I love the stripes!

Spring Romper Trend 
If I'm being totally honest, this is one trend that I have not been able to be behind...until now.  This Lilly Pulitzer romper is my absolute favorite. I love the colors, I love the little bow and the style looks adorable.  My daughter likes to call these outfits, "pants that are connected to the shirt" and she has a few and loves them!  But for grown women, I just never gave it a second thought.  I have never tried one on and for all I know, I'd look totally ridiculous wearing it, but I think it is just darling so I might just have to jump on the romper train and give it a whirl.

Those were my favorites from our Pinterest party, but be sure to check out all of the pins on our Spring Style board. I'd love to know what your favorite styles for spring are!
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  1. I love love love all of these looks. I completely agree about running faster/longer in cute gear! ;) I heart scalloped edges on anything! And of course I am obsessed with that romper. I went to a local store the other day hoping ot try it on, but they hadn't stocked it yet. I hope to purchase it soon! (Oh, and I would totally be on board with the pastel converse but with the huge size of my foot, they just don't look good on me!) Have a great wknd!

    1. I'm the same way! I feel like I definitely need to try on the romper before purchasing. :-)

  2. I love the romper, I love the work out shorts, and I love the scalloped shorts! Love it all!!!

    1. Thanks! Such a fun time of year to dress and accessorize. :-)

  3. I looove the scallop trend. I only have shorts with scalloped edges but I've been looking for a dress/shirt too!

  4. I love all the bright colors!!!! Chelsea @

    1. Me too! It's such a fun time of year to be getting dressed each day. :-)

  5. oooh! I just bought a dress with a scalloped neckline! I had no idea I was on trend :) Thanks for this post!

    1. You are so fashionable and you didn't even know it! :-)

  6. I love rompers! They are probably my favorite clothing item. A pain to go to the bathroom in, but comfy as all get out! :D Thanks for sharing your favorites!
