
Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Favorites

I've made it to Friday and that is just a huge reason to celebrate in my book.  We're two weeks into elementary school (and super early wake-up times...the bus comes at 6:50 AM!!) and also the first week of pre-school. I thought having everyone back in school would leave me some more time to get stuff done on my to-do list, but instead I've been running around, trying to get everyone where they need to be and my to-do list somehow keeps growing longer and longer.

Today we're linking up with the gals that host Friday Favorites and I'm sharing some of my favorites from these first few weeks back at school.

First up would have to be my sweet little Boo-Boo who started Pre-K on Monday.  He's definitely my FAVORITE 4 year old and I was so proud of how well he did walking into his new class on Monday.  My FAVORITE part of that day was picking him up, seeing how excited he was to tell me all about his new class, and hearing about all of the fun he had.

You might have noticed those snazzy new shoes he was sporting and, in fact, everyone got to pick out new FAVORITE shoes for school.  They are encouraged to wear tennis shoes (and the girls have to for PE days).  After the first few days of school I realized everyone's shoes were too small!  I guess that is what we get for living in our flip-flops all summer long.  The kids all picked out fun ones and I even caved and let Boo-Boo get shoes with laces instead of velcro.  He convinced me they made him run faster and jump higher, but it was the red and black that put me over the edge.  You know, football season is right around the corner. ;-) 

During the school week it is hard for me to cook a lot of nights because we are off to dance, cheer practice, soccer, or tumbling during dinner time.  Often times we'll cook a big meal on Sundays so while the Mr. has the grill going I'll have him grill a few extra pieces of chicken.  Then I will just make a big salad and add the chicken to it.  I like to try all sorts of fun salad toppings, but my new FAVORITES are these Chipolte Cheddar Tortilla Strips and this Avocado Ranch dressing.  Y'all have to try it.  Romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, shaved parmesan and these two toppings.  I eat this a lot when the Mr. is out of town, but I fixed it for both of us this week and he thought it was just as amazing as I did.  He agreed that it taste like a "restaurant salad."

I am sad when all of my kids are back in school, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't nice to have a free morning to be able to do something for myself like get my hair done. It's been WAY longer than I usually wait and this fresh color and a cut was, hands down, my FAVORITE thing that happened on Thursday.

Lastly, teachers that help motivate, encourage and really get to know their students are my FAVORITE kind of teachers.  We have a great group of them this year and I'm so thankful for that.  Little Mama is plugging away in 3rd grade, but it is no joke.  She's had a lot of math homework each night and a project this week and I know it is just going to get harder as the year goes on.  I'm not a huge fan of homework, but seeing this little note come home on a piece of work she had to complete put a smile on both of our faces.

And that, my friends, is it for my favorites.  We hope everyone has a great weekend!!!  
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1 comment:

  1. Hooray for surviving elem and preschool! And your hair looks fab! I'm right there with ya - I desperately need some hair TLC.
    And oh my - I am adding those two ingredients to my grocery list as we speak. I eat a salad almost every day for lunch. Those will be such a yummy addition to my current salads! Thanks for sharing!
    have a great wknd!
