
Friday, February 19, 2016

San Francisco: Day 3 {Exploring the City}

If you want to read about the first two days of our trip you can check out Day 1 HERE and Day 2 HERE

On Saturday we had no plans until later in the evening so we put on our comfortable shoes and started exploring the city.  Up first was a short walk from our hotel to the cable car station.  We had to wait a little while, but it was worth it to me. 

Our cable car operators were hilarious.  They had everyone laughing and joked around with us the entire time.  I was shocked that it was all done with hand and foot brakes. I guess I assumed it would have been motorized, but those big hills when cars would pull out in front of the cable cars and they had to brake quickly made me appreciate their job and their skills.  

After hopping off the cable cars we started to walk around a bit and were amazed by the hills!  I have never seen such steep hills and couldn't get over the houses that were lining each one.  Could you image pulling into this driveway?!?

We finally found the famous Lombard Street.  It was hilarious to watch people drive down it.  There were a ton of tourists and everyone was hanging out the window videoing as they went down.

We made it to the top and still couldn't believe how curvy the road was.  Such a fun photo op though!

Next we walked down to the water and took in the beautiful sights of the Golden Gate Bridge from Hyde Street Pier.  We were shocked at how many people were swimming out in the water. I'm sure they were freezing! That water was COLD!

We stopped in a lot of little shops by the water looking for souvenirs for the kids and then finally got to Fisherman's Wharf. It was full of energy and people.  There were street performers, people singing,  outdoor walk-up food vendors and more.

We decided to grab lunch here at one of the outdoor vendors and eat on a bench by the water.  I opted for lobster bisque in a bread bowl (yum!!!) and the Mr. got a gigantic lobster roll.  The problem with getting your food and eating outdoors are all of the seagulls!!!!  They were everywhere and as we were walking to find a bench to sit on they were dive bombing us and trying to get our food. Yikes!  We were OK as soon as we sat down, but just beware if you decide to dine this way.  :-)

Lastly we made our way to the famous Pier 39. It was a tourist trap and there were tons of food and shopping, but it was SO crowded. It was still fun to walk around though and see the carousel and look out at the water.

We were beat after our day of exploring so we took Uber back to our hotel and took a little rest.  That night we had a dinner planned and then we got to go to a One Republic concert, which was amazing! It was a wonderful day and I'm so glad we got to see so much of the city!

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