I packed Friday morning while the girls were at school and we went to check them out of school just before lunch time. They were so confused and wondered why we were there, but then we shared the fun news!!! We were heading straight to the airport and they were so excited!
Since our ski trip to Colorado was fresh in our minds, they did great at the airport and on the plane. They are becoming quite the little travelers. One thing that was different for this trip though, was that we all had carry on luggage instead of checking bags since it was such a quick trip. We did this last year on the same trip and it was a major mistake. What a difference a year makes though! They did great this time and everyone was responsible for their own bags. I posted this picture on Instagram and had several people asking about the kids' suitcases. All three of my kids have THESE bags from from Pottery Barn Kids and we love them! They come in such fun patterns and designs and they have different sizes, but the small size is perfect for a weekend trip. The girls have had theirs for years and they have held up great.
Random fact...we also have the backpacks and lunch boxes from Pottery Barn Kids. In my opinion, they are the BEST and hold up so great, too!
Back to our trip...when we arrived in Orlando we made our way to our hotel for the weekend. As we were checking in I looked over and saw the kids all grabbing for brochures. I started cracking up because my brothers and I used to do the VERY same thing every time we stopped at a rest area on our road trips. Back in the day, there was no iPads or DVD's in the car, so these brochures kept us entertained. I had to snap a pic and send it to my family letting them know the kids were keeping up with the family tradition.
We had just a little bit of time to rest before we needed to get changed and ready for the big welcome party that evening. Because the kids didn't know we were going on this trip, I got to pack and pick out everyone's clothes. After getting dressed they all looked at each other and said, "Hey, we are all matching in green." If y'all know anything about me, you know that was not a coincidence.
The girls were also very excited to learn I had packed their new shoes. More on this next week when I share my favorite shoes for girls, but don't dare call them sandals around my girls. According to Blondie these are high-heels. :-)
The entire weekend is super kid friendly and this welcome party is no exception. They had a fun DJ, a lady on stilts making balloon animals, stations to paint nails and put on temporary tattoos and even a caricature artist.
I was so excited and so impressed with the artist and was happy that each of the kids agreed to sit still long enough to have them done. I can't wait to frame and hang them in the playroom!
The kids wrapped up the night by doing a little swimming and then we all hit the hay. It had been a very long and busy day and we had lots of fun planned for the next morning. Be sure to check back tomorrow to read about day 2 of our trip!
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So fun! Love you girls in your Lilly dresses!