Friday is here!
Only a few short hours and we are in full on weekend mode my friends!
You have no idea how excited I am about that! My first order of business Saturday will be to lounge in our pjs. The kids might still get up at 6a.m. because kids. And school. But to not have to rush anywhere - heavenly!

It's been awhile since I've done a Friday Favorites, but I've had a lot of them this week so joining some of our favorite other mommy bloggers to dish...
Last week I grabbed Boo-Boo for a play date and grabbed him early enough from Carrie Beth to surprise Cute when he got off the bus. As we were walking to our stop I see this...
Be still my heart - the cuteness!
I feel as though we should go ahead an plan the wedding. Holidays with the in laws would ROCK!
The boys had a blast playing and were cracking me up with all the games they were playing!
It made me miss summer like crazy.
But five minutes outside in those ninja-Star Wars-viking-pirate outfits and you knew it was definitely still summer!
Speaking of summer, at the beginning of the week was the infamous Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale.
We were all sorts of excited at this house. L.C. included.
We shared some of our favorites on Monday. I think it is safe to say Carrie Beth and I grabbed some new favorites on Monday and Tuesday.
Here's just a sneak peek at some of the fun we were able to snag.
(Click pics for details.)
We can't wait to see what arrives on our doorsteps! And since it is still so hot outside we are excited we can wear some of it for a few more months to come.
Gotta love life in the South!
I think what I'm most excited about is the romper. I've been obsessed with rompers lately! They are just so comfy, and a whole outfit rolled up into one! Here are some of the ones I've been eyeing...
They are all so cute! That red one is under $30 too - I might just have to go ahead and grab it!
(Most of these are under $50!)
Here's just a sneak peek at some of the fun we were able to snag.
(Click pics for details.)
We can't wait to see what arrives on our doorsteps! And since it is still so hot outside we are excited we can wear some of it for a few more months to come.
Gotta love life in the South!
I think what I'm most excited about is the romper. I've been obsessed with rompers lately! They are just so comfy, and a whole outfit rolled up into one! Here are some of the ones I've been eyeing...
They are all so cute! That red one is under $30 too - I might just have to go ahead and grab it!
(Most of these are under $50!)
Earlier this week I made the most fantastic discovery. I introduce to you the "Poptail"...
Yes, my thirsty friends - that is a popsicle in my wine.
The kids wanted popsicles after dinner while they played on the playground, and since it's still so hot who am I to turn them down.
I had seen this fun invention, and decided to try it on my own. Oh the possibilities...
While we were playing, we caught this thirsty little guy. :)
The kids were so excited to find him. The frog was teeny tiny, but he was their pet for an entire half and hour.
Baby Cute has been having a rough time sleeping and it was suggested that I introduce to her a lovey. I had this sweet one on hand that my friend G gave me at a shower. We've taken it everywhere with us. It is just so darling to see her snuggling it.
Sleeping babies will always be my favorite.
Sleeping babies will make me want like nine hundred more.
I've been waiting for this moment since I found out I was having a little girl three years ago. I grew up dancing and this week marked L.C.'s first dance class.
I am not sure who was more excited, but she had a BLAST!
I had no doubt that performing and dancing would be right in her wheel house. To say the girl has personality is an understatement.
I can't wait to get little sneak peeks of her class each week.
Oh the memories...
That wraps up my favorites!
What were some of your favorites this week?
Before you go don't forget to check out some of our fun giveaways going on right now.
First, The Baby Sleep Site Giveaway ends next week. We all need some sleep, am I right?!?
And who doesn't love some new bling?
Check out this fun watch giveaway we've got going on through the end of the month.
Hint: Everyone's a winner!
Now let's get this weekend started! Happy weekend everyone!

A popsicle in wine!!! You are a genius! I have that book in my to-read pile. Can't wait to get it started. Happy weekend!