
Monday, May 8, 2017

For the Love of Music

I haven't been to a concert in ages. We used to attend concerts all the time, but I think the last concert we attended was Luke Bryan with Carrie Beth a few months before Baby Cute was born. Needless to say, it's been awhile.

This year though we have several on the calendar, and two of them have been in the last week. They were both so much fun, and I would say if you a fan of either one of these artists and they are making a stop in a city near you, it's worth the ticket price.

First, up we took a trip down memory lane with the soundtrack of my youth. My dad is a HUGE Billy Joel fan. He has been to tons of his concerts up and down the east coast, and religiously plays his music still. In fact, rumor has it one of my sister's is named after a former wife of his. When tickets came on sale a few months ago, dad was beyond excited to hear about his new tour taking place in ballparks. Baseball and Billy Joel? I'm pretty sure it doesn't get much better for him. He grabbed who was ever willing to go see it with him a ticket.

Mr. Cute and I were the only willing volunteers.

But the concert was a blast, and it was fun that it was the first official concert in the new SunTrust park.

So many songs he played were ones I remember blaring in the car throughout my childhood. Dancing and singing all those tunes brought back so many memories!

Billy Joel put on an excellent show, and I think some of my favorite parts were when he covered songs from other local artists. He had a ton of fun interaction with the crowd, sang "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" because hello, ballpark tour, and put on a super fun encore.

It was such a fun evening, and I am so glad that my dad was able to add another epic Billy Joel concert to his list.

Next up, this past weekend we headed to Greenville, South Carolina for the Eric Church concert. I have a confession - I have never heard one single song Church has ever made.

The only time I ever listen to country music is when my husband has control of the radio - and he comes in second behind the kids of course - or when we are with friends who listen to it, put it on. That being said, I was so excited about this trip because even though it would be quick, we were going to see some of our best friends that live in Greenville now.

They picked us up for a quick dinner at one of their favorite local spots - Firebirds Wood Fired Grill.

It was so so yummy, and had an amazing atmosphere and great food. There are a few locations sprinkled around The South if you want to give it a try.

After our quick dinner we then headed to the concert together. It was a blast, and even though I didn't know a single thing about Eric Church I will say he put on a pretty entertaining show.

He was extremely involved with the crowd - often stopping to sign autographs, shake hands, and cheer along with everyone.

We had pretty close seats, but overall the Bon Secours Wellness Arena is a pretty small stadium so you get an intimate feel no matter where you are seated. I love venues like that! I'd see another concert there in a heartbeat.

One of my favorite parts was when people threw boots on stage during a song. He just picked them up, asked for more, and then signed and returned them all. How nice is that? And I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous for those boots. Impressive memory because each and every one was returned to its rightful owner.

I was also super pumped that our seats were located on the same entrance as the funnel cake stand. I mean sure there were margaritas flowing, and beer to be consumed...but funnel cake? That's my jam.

Church sang for over three and half hours. The crowd continuously begged for more, and Church delivered. Mr. Cute and company were in country singing heaven, and I was glad to be along for the ride.

Once it wrapped up it was well into the next day, and we were exhausted. Greenville was brief, but from what I've seen I already can't wait to visit again soon!

Now it's time to plan for the next show. Have you seen any good concerts lately? Anything we need to add to our calendar?

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