Happy Friday everyone! I am so so glad it is finally the weekend!!!
Last week we all had colds, and this week the stomach bug made it's way through all the littles. Back to germ school season is officially here. Needless to say this week has been exhausting and my washer and I need a break from one another.
Fingers crossed, but the outlook for the weekend looks clear and germ free. If you need me, you will find me on a boat with a healthy dose of cocktail this weekend.
To celebrate Friday, I am going to share some of the germ-free highlights of our last few weeks and link up with some fabulous ladies for Friday Favorites.

Last week in between plagues, we visited one of our new favorite spots - The Atlanta Center for Puppetry Arts. We took in a show over the summer and loved it. This time I decided to have a girl date while Cute was in school and we saw the new Mother Goose show.
The show was so much fun, and the girls loved it.
The characters are tons of fun, and the show is filled with tons of audience interaction, dancing, and open dialogue that the kids can participate in. Even Baby Cute sat riveted through the whole show.
I definitely recommend it if you have young kids and are in the Atlanta area. The show runs until September 17th.
And afterwards you get to make another fun puppet. Such a fun time! We will definitely be going back for another show soon!
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this centuries biggest event - The Great North American Eclipse. Carrie Beth was right when she mentioned earlier this week that the eclipse was a huge deal in our area. Around 1p.m. I kept checking the sky to see if I could tell if there were any changes yet. The atmosphere made me feel like we were all waiting for Christmas.
Cute decided he wanted to watch at school. So the girls and sat outside and watched together with some friends. It was a fun experience, and while the girls were more interested in playing with their friends, I was glad to know that I at least have that memory with them for the once in a lifetime event. It was totally not what I was picturing in my head that it would look like, but still really really neat to see.
Did you watch? Were your little ones entertained, or were they like mine running wild?
Now this event doesn't occur until next week, but that's okay because this week I'm super excited about it. The Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale was finally announced!
It will be next week (August 28 -30th), and I have so many things I hope I can grab for me and the girls. Here is just a peek at some of my favorites from these past few seasons that I hope make it into the sale.
(Click on the pictures for details.)
Are you going to the sale? I am curious how the in store preview will go on Sunday. My Amex and I might need to go on a field trip to do some early investigating. ;)
After the After Party excitement dies down, I still have a fun thing or two to look forward to on the horizon. One of those being the kick off to football season! I feel like that is when Fall officially starts here down south.
I'm super excited too because I snagged the most adorable game day outfit! This fun Bulldog hat and super cute Bulldog dress will be on repeat this season.
The dress is so comfy and beyond soft that I might have to wear it in rotation during the week. Not to mention the super cute little bulldogs on it!
Stewart Simmons is the cutest little boutique and they make the most adorable game day women's wear for many teams. They are an Atlanta based company but ship everywhere. I would definitely check them out!
It's been so hot here lately, but that hasn't stopped us enjoying our porch time. I mean we are southerners. The only down fall is that aside from the heat and humidity, bugs are usually in full force this time of year.
Luckily, I've been on top of my bug deterring game this year. I've found the most yummy smelling citronella candles.
These Bright Endeavor candles are made with real citronella oil and are phthalate free. I love that they smell good and are a non-toxic way to combat those annoying bugs. Plus the tins have come in handy, especially when I want to travel with them to the cabin or bring them to another part of our property.
I also love what the company stands for, and knowing my mission to ward off pesky creatures is actually going to do some great good outside of my cozy porch. Each purchase made goes to help support young mothers through a paid job training program. A young mother makes each candle and gains valuable work experience and the ground work for independence to help support her and her little ones. I smile a little bit each time I light one knowing how special that candle is to someone else super special.
So grab one for yourself in my favorite scent - Lemon Tea - and light the way for another mom!
And on that positive note...
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Love your football outfit! I'm not a bulldogs fan, but I would wear that because of how cute it is!