Only a few more sleeps until Christmas and this crew is READY! Yesterday was our last day of school before the holiday break and this weekend we are getting ready for the big day. Family is coming into town and we are both hosting. We could not be more excited to fill our homes with all that holiday cheer!
Because we knew we were hosting this year, we made sure to wrap up most of our holiday shopping early. We really tried to take our own advice and minimize the holiday stress as best we could so that the moment everyone was home we could enjoy it!
We've wrapped up all our gifts, and now all that's left are the little details. Stocking stuffers is last on our list. We've for the most part got this nailed down, but it's always one of the few things we leave until the end just in case anyone whispers to Chippy the Elf they want something small the last minute.
We also try to minimize the amount of candy our kids get in their stockings. Because if you've met our kids sugar is the last thing they need. #highenergy #imtired
Here are some of our favorite ideas, but share with us if you have anything to add! We have recycled a few of these over the years and are looking for new inspiration. Bonus points if you have any ideas for older kids!
- Reading - We usually try to throw in a book or magazine. Something for them to read and enjoy maybe once the newness of all the toys winds down or if they are looking for a quieter moment.
- Sensory Play - We try to throw in a small Playdough or some fun slime or putty to play with.
- Pouch Snacks - Our kids love the Slammers Snack pouches! Packed with protein and some good fruits and veggies - the kids don't realize that they are a snack that's actually good for them. They just think they taste great and that they are a treat. They are perfect as a Christmas mid-morning snack or can be saved for to get them through that awkward in between lunch and dinner meal that tends to throw the whole day off.
- Socks - Our kids all love fun socks, and our sports loving boys are into that tall sock trend right now. (We also like to throw in underwear in the stockings too!)
- Lip Balm - All of our kids from toddlers to teens love lip balm. So we snagged fun holiday themed lip balms, and for the tweens we threw in some fun lip glosses (Our favorite lip glosses for tweens/teens are on sale right now!).
- Notebooks - Fun little notebooks or activity books always make for great stocking stuffers with our crew. They come in handy when they have down time in the car, in restaurants, on the bus, etc.
- Trading Cards - Pokemon and sports cards are a big hit here for the Elementary aged crew. They are always trading on the bus or on the playground so a new pack or two in their stockings is the way to go so they have new ones to trade when school is back in session.
- Toothbrushes - A treat or two is bound to be eaten that just a hint right? Might as well throw in some floss and some toothpaste while we are at it.
- Mini Balls - Our kids all are into sports and we've found the mini-balls are perfect entertainment no matter what sport they are into. We throw them in their sports bags and if they are at a tournament or competition and have down time they are a great way to quickly (and with minimal damage) entertain them and their teammates.
- Mini Nerf Guns - While Nerf guns and darts are the bane of our existence (#stopshootingmommy) our kids love these mini ones.
- Gift Cards - This goes without saying, but gift cards regardless of age are a huge hit. We try to get ones in small denominations (think $5-$10) to either their favorite fast food places, Starbucks, or for iTunes. They think they are so grown up when they pay for things themselves.
What are some of your favorite non-candy stocking stuffer ideas?

Thank you Slammers Snacks for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
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