
Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday Favorites

We made it to Friday!  Getting through the first week of school can be kind of rough.  Not only are the kids adjusting to their new schedule, but the mamas are, too.  For someone like me who is not a morning person, I couldn't be happier to go to bed tonight and not have to set an alarm.

Today I'm going to share a few favorites from this week and link up with some of our favorite bloggers for Friday Favorites.

Just before school started, Jen and I were trying to squeeze in some last minute fun for the kids so we went to a local trampoline park.  After we grabbed lunch at our favorite, Chick-fil-a, and while we were finishing up we looked over and the boys were taking fake selfies.  They weren't holding a camera or phone, just pretending that they had one.  Well, Jen gave them her phone and they proceeded to take what might have been the funniest selfies ever.  I snapped a quick pic of them in action and we were dying laughing.  We have to say, as bloggers' kids, they come by it honest.  

On Saturday night the Mr. and I got all dolled up and went out on a date. I can't remember the last time we did that just us.  We have work events to attend or do things with friends, but for it to be just the two of us is pretty rare.  We went to a nice dinner, did a little shopping, and ended the night with margaritas.  It was super fun and just what we needed.  

My green dress is an oldie, but still one of my favorites. I've worn it to weddings with fancy jewelry and shoes, to the beach with flip-flops or on a date night with wedges.  It's so versatile and I love solid colored dresses like this that can be worn just about anywhere. Mine is from years ago, but there are similar ones HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.  

On Monday the girls went off to school and I think one of the hardest things as a mom is to send our kids off on the bus and spend the next 7 1/2 hours wondering how their day is going.  Is their teacher making them feel welcome, are they making new friends, who are they sitting with at lunch...  The absolute BEST thing though and a definite favorite of mine this week was seeing them bound off the bus that afternoon with big smiles, telling me all I needed to know.  I'm super hopeful for a great school year for them this year!  

Back to school also means back to volunteering.  I love being able to help out at the school and in my kids classes, but it can be a lot.  This week we ramped back up with room mom responsibilities, PTA committees and everything else I can't say no to. :-) 

I love my Lilly Pulitzer Callahan shorts.

A few Friday's ago I shared my monogrammed tank from Preppy & Personalized and mentioned that I'd ordered the youth sizes for the girls, too.  Blondie wore hers to school yesterday and looked darling in it.  She also has been loving her new converse, which happened to match perfectly! 

And last, but not least, for my favorites this week is spending time with this little guy.  He will be in the "Young 5's" class at the preschool so he has one last year before heading to Kindergarten.  He doesn't start school until Monday so I've been trying to soak up my time with him this week.  We've done lunch dates, he's been my errand running partner, and I'm just really trying to soak it up because next year he'll off and gone all day with the big kids!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  
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  1. In love with that dress! I am bummed its old or I would buy it ASAP!! And those shoes too!

  2. Love that dress!
    Glad your kids are having a great week back at school!
    Found your blog by the Friday Favorites Linkup

  3. I just found you through Friday Favorites!! I can't wait to read more. ;) My kids start next mama heart is already hurting.
