
Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Favorites: Getting Turkey Ready Edition

Happy Friday everyone! 

This Friday is totally awesome. Not only does it kick off our weekend, but it kicks off our Thanksgiving Break. And to that I have to say...


I would be lying if I said I wasn't counting down this day since the moment our toes left the sand on Fall Break

We've had a particularly crazy few months, and I am more than ready to kick back, relax, break out my stretchy pants (not to be confused with my typical yoga pants), and get my turkey on!

Even though this week has been crazy, it's been full of fun moments. Linking up as usual with some  of our favorite bloggers and sharing some of my favorites from this week.

It's been so warm here still that we've been able to enjoy playing outside a ton. I've been able to sneak in lots of extra playtime this week now that soccer season has ended, and its been fun to see what the kids have decided to do around our house. 

My neighbor and I were laughing because almost everyday the kids have run off the bus and gone straight to play at our "beach". The lake behind our homes is a lot lower than it normally is, so we now have a pretty decent sized flat area they can run up and down. 

L.C. was even excited to build a sand castle on her new beach. Sand...dirt...all the same right? 

Baby Cute is {this close} to fully walking. She gets a HUGE grin every time she attempts, but after a step or two she bails and speed crawls to her need. Now I thought L.C. was my independent one, but B.C. looks like she might be giving her a run for her money in that department. While we are outside she does not want to be held, and desperately tries to keep up after the big kids. 

Thankfully we still have our trusty favorite push car, and Miss Independent can feel like she is at least riding around with the big boys and girls. She cracks me up with how she "drives". 

Also, see those fun leggings I am wearing? 

These are totally a new favorite of mine. I was on a mission last week to get Cute some new cold weather athletic gear so he wouldn't freeze at his late night soccer game, and I spotted these leggings. I was smitten with the polka dots and after wearing them I am in love. 

Plus they are just so fun!

There are a ton of other fun options too! I am totally putting these on my Christmas list this year. 

(For size reference I am 5'2, and 115lbs - a small fit perfectly, and I might have been able to do an XS.)

Speaking of athletic wear and all things fitness - I sent this to Mr. Cute this week...

It made me giggle. 

Because it's true. 

He wasn't nearly as amused. 

Last month I fell off my reading kick for a bit, and I think I've figured out why. I love being able to actually hold a hard copy book, but being on the go all the time I realized they just weren't as convenient. When I read a book on the Kindle app on my phone I am able to "pick up" my book and read any time I have a few spare minutes. 

This month I transitioned back to the Kindle and I'm already a few books in. Heartless by Marissa Meyer has been my book for this week, and while I will wait to share my full review during Book Club, I just have to say - favorite!

I'm not sure what made me decide to purchase it. I've never read anything from Meyer before. And apparently this falls into the Young Adult category, but I've been sucked in. 

The story is kind of the untold beginning of how the Queen in Alice in Wonderland comes to be. It's not my usual read, but I. Can't. Put. It. Down. 

This week was filled full of Thanksgiving fun. Cute and B.C. each had a Thanksgiving program at their school and Cute's included a fun luncheon. The kids were beyond excited to eat a school lunch. 

I wasn't sure if my picky children would actually eat anything, but apparently I need to stop attempting to make any sort of meals, and just ask the school if they can hold a cooking class. 

I was 3v1 and didn't get a final picture, but The Cutes were literally fighting over the turkey cubes. 


Hair pulling and tears might have been involved. 

And then they found the chocolate cake and carton milk and all was right with the world.  

By the way, you can't really see it, but I absolutely love the tie neck shirt I am wearing. I found it at the same time I was getting a few this for Cute and I found the amazing tights I already mentioned. This top will definitely be in rotation throughout the holiday season. 

That wraps up some of my favorites for this week. Now off to spend the rest of the day with the littles as we round out the rest of our party and holiday fun, and then tomorrow we turn those alarms off for good. Give me all the hallelujah hand emojis! 

What were some of your favorite moments this week? 

We hope you have a great weekend! 

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  1. Love the workout leggings!! Always trying to find a fun pair :) Happy Friday
    Chelsea @

  2. I loved the ripped ab couple meme! That was so true! Why is it that kids eat so much better at school than at home?! Mine do the same thing! Have a great weekend and Thanksgiving Break! -Sara

  3. Yaay! Awesome post !:) and Happy Friday! :)
