
Monday, January 22, 2018

Our Favorite Apps

Last month, Carrie Beth shared our favorite apps for kids. Now it's our turn! Today we are sharing some of our favorite apps. The ones we use every single day. The ones that help keep us organized. Fit. Sane. All of them!

At first we didn't think we used very many apps. Then after discussing it over lunch one day we realized how many we actually use. Soon we were exchanging favorites, and realized just how handy some of these were in our daily lives. From music to fitness to groceries - we have so many that we love!


  • Chick-fil-a App - As frequent guests of CFA, when we stumbled upon the app a few months ago, we couldn't believe what we had been missing in our lives. Each time you scan your app, you earn credit towards free treats (And you can earn them fairly quick! We've noticed typically within 4-5 visits.). In addition to the free items you can earn, CFA will often send you free treats just because. Free CFA. How can you beat that?! Another favorite feature is that you can even pre-order your meal so that it's ready for you by the time you arrive, and pick it up in a special line so there is literally no wait time! As busy moms who typically are juggling multiple kids this feature is awesome. Definitely an app worth checking out if you are a fan of Chick-fil-a.

  • Amazon App - This might be one of the apps we use the most. From birthday gifts to groceries and everything in between, we use the Amazon app for a lot of our shopping needs. We have a prime membership and can't even begin to state how worth it it's proven itself over the years. We also learned a neat trick that came in handy over the holidays when tons of Amazon packages were arriving, but we weren't sure whose they were and didn't want to open them in front of the kids or each other and ruin the surprise. If you order something and don't want anyone to see you can scan the packages bar code and the app will tell you if it is your purchase and which one. Genius!

  • Shipt App -  This app is a HUGE favorite of Jen's! I discovered this app right after Baby Cute was born, and it was life changing. Shipt is a grocery shopping app that allows you to create a shopping list and then matches you to a personal shopper who will get your groceries and bring them straight to your doorstep. Yes, please! I can't even begin to tell you how many times this app has helped us. When I was sick, but we still needed groceries. When we arrived late to a vacation condo, and wanted to have groceries ready for our arrival instead of bringing three tired kids to the grocery store late at night. When we were out of town in the hospital with my father-in-law, but my parents were at home with our kids and I didn't want them to have to worry about, or pay for, groceries to feed everyone. When I wanted to send a meal to a friend with a newborn. And the list goes on and on and on. You can choose which grocery store you want to use (i.e. Publix, Kroger, Whole Foods, Target, etc.), and the app will store your favorite items, show you coupons and deals, and even gives suggestions of meals. It's slightly more expensive on the grocery side, but the convenience has been more than worth it to me more than once. 

(If you want $10 to try out the Shipt app let us know!)

  • Barre3 App - We've both fallen in love with barre classes, but it isn't always easy to get to a class. The Barre3 app has an awesome set of mini classes and exercises you can do at home. If we only have ten minutes of free time we click on the app, pick something for that length of time and sneak in a mini workout session.
  • WaterMinder - We know drinking plenty of water is super important, but sometimes we fall short on doing this day in and day out. Using the WaterMinder app is an easy way to keep track and help keep us accountable.  

  • Reading Apps - As reading lovers having a few reading apps on hand is a must. Reading apps actually became a favorite of both of ours when we were nursing. We realized staying up in the middle of the night multiple times was tricky, and there is only so much social media scrolling you can do at that time of day. Reading a magazine or book in the middle of the night in the dark with only one hand typically free wasn't going to happen - so we would read books on our reading apps to help keep us awake. Now we still use them a ton.  We rotate frequently through the Nook, Kindle, and iBook apps. We also like to use the Overdrive app which lets you borrow digital books from your local library - we need to get better about this one though!
  • Netflix App - Netflix might go down as one of our favorite purchases we made in 2017. We love being able to binge watch whole seasons of shows, and love some of the original series Netflix has for both kids and adults. We use this app while we are running on the treadmill, in the airport waiting for a flight, or when we are traveling and want to watch a little something before going to bed. We love we can see a show or a movie virtually anywhere with our app. 
  • Music Apps - We've been long time fans of Pandora, but we've also recently discovered the NextRadio app. Both are very similar and you can listen to your favorite radio stations around the country as well as custom stations. 


  • Photoshop Express App- Sometimes we don't take the best of photos or they might need a little tweaking. A quick way we do this on the go is with our Photoshop Express app. It's free and easy to navigate. You can also make collages and has a few fun filters to use. 
  • ColorStory App - This app is a fun photo editing app with a ton of filter options. The app itself is free and has a ton of fun filters to choose from. There are also some paid filters you can get or earn additional free filters over time. You can also add some fun overlays to your photos. 
  • Over App - The Over app isn't one we use too often, but it is super handy at times, and can be fun to play around with. It allows you to write words over your photos. There are tons of fun fonts and different styles to choose from. It also has a ton of stock photography you can use, and each day they share some inspirational quotes you can use for social media if you like. 
  • Shutterfly App - After taking all those awesome photos we have to put them somewhere right? We keep the Shutterfly app on our phone and can quickly upload the photos, order prints, put together albums, and make gifts. Because let's be honest, if we didn't have something directly on our phones taking the pictures off our phones the 30,560 photos we have on there would never be seen again!

Our favorite apps - some of the best fitness apps, shopping apps, entertainment apps - for moms!

Now that we have shared our favorites, we wonder how many other great apps are out there? What are some of your favorites to use? 

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  1. Waze - I would never make it anywhere without it!; Plan to Eat - new app in progress - ties to my favorite meal planning website - can't wait for them the add the Planner to the app!; Coupon Sherpa - bummed that Michaels coupons are no longer available but handy for Ulta, Hobby Lobby, and others. Excited to try the photography apps...and maybe if I do the Barre workouts at home I won't be so intimidated to show up to a class ;)

    1. Oh we forgot about Waze - such a great app! We are going to have to check out coupon sherpa, it sounds awesome! Barre is intimidating no matter what, but oh so fun. You need to try one, you will love it!
