Happy Friday! This week dragged on for me and although I got a lot done, I'm happy for the weekend! We've got some fun stuff planned this weekend and my kids are off school all next week for our Winter Break, so lots to be happy about today!
When I was little Valentine's Day was one of my very favorite holidays because we got to celebrate at school with friends. I know a lot of schools aren't doing valentine exchanges this year, but I'm so happy our elementary school is still making it happen. Some of the classes had to bring in their items early and my son's had to go in yesterday so things can sit in "candy quarantine" until this afternoon, but we are fine with that if it means they can still do it. He decided on a Chick-fil-A themed box this year and it was so fitting for him.
That boy LOVES some Chick-fil-A so we came up with making this box look like a nugget box, complete with fries and a drink. I think it turned out so cute and the shirt just made the whole ensemble.

I've been a busy bee working to get the pillows done for our living room and I'm so happy with how they turned out. I just made covers for the pillows that came with the couch, but there were a ton of them so I felt like it was the project that went on and on.
I've ordered the trim for the curtains and am currently on the hunt for a round coffee table.

We shared about some new workout wear that we are loving HERE last week (complete with a discount code), but I didn't mention that my open back tank is actually from Amazon and SO cute for showing off some of those strappy sports bras. It is under $20 and comes in a ton of colors, too!

This weekend is a BIG deal for my daughter. It's Cheersport weekend! Besides Summit, which is held at the end of the season, this is the biggest competition of the year and they have been working so hard to get ready. It is crazy to think that last year we had no idea what was about to change and how everything would get shut down shortly after Cheersport. This year is really different with limited spectators and all sorts of different procedures in place, but we're just happy that it is getting to take place. Plus, Jen will be there with her little cheerleader, too!

Last, but not least, I'm so excited about a family vacation next week. I mentioned earlier that our kids are on winter break next week so we are going to go on a family ski trip. It's been several years since we were all able to go and I'm really looking forward to it!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
Have fun on your trip!