Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Celebrate Life Trip {California Dreaming}

Back in December I shared some travel planning we were doing for 2018. Today I'm doing the same, but just planning things a little farther out.  Almost 10 years ago the Mr. came up with the idea for a "Celebrate Life Trip" where we go on vacation with some of our best friends and do just what the name calls for...celebrate life!  Because of busy schedules and kids (so many kids), it's been a while since we've been able to really do a getaway.  We went to Asheville several years ago and had so much fun.  We've been throwing around the idea for the past couple of years about planning another big celebrate life trip.  Several of us will turn 40 in just a few years (eek!!!), and we thought what better way to celebrate than with a fun vacation!

A few years ago the Mr. and I traveled to San Fransisco for the Super Bowl and went out a few days early so we could do some exploring on our own.  One thing I really wanted to do while we were there was visit wine country, and we had the best time!

I remember the two of us sitting there, tasting our wine while the wine connoisseurs were explaining things to us and asking what flavors we tasted.  Now listen, I consider myself a wine expert, but not one who can pick out distinct flavors.  The Mr. started making up stuff and saying he could taste mushrooms, dirt, etc., and we were all cracking up.  It was at that moment that I had the thought that I wanted to do this kind of trip again, but with a group of friends.

I could just imagine how much fun we would have visiting California with friends, and when I suggested it to them, they were all on board.  Because planning a trip like this will take some time and a lot of organizing (especially to get childcare lined up for all of our kids), we're starting early so we make sure it really happens.

Here is the deal though, as much as I love wine, as much as my friends love wine, there are only so many days you can spend touring wineries, and having tastings, so we hope to incorporate some other fun sight-seeing aspects into our California trip also. My thought is we will rent a car and set out to see and do as much as we can while we are there.  When I came across this article on Alamo's Scenic Route, I knew this would really help in planning our trip.  Of the 6 Must-See National and State Parks in California, I'm pretty sure I'd love to see them all.

Photo Courtesy of Alamo's Scenic Route

The redwood trees are something that I have always be fascinated with and wanted to see in person. I imagine you can't even begin to grasp just how large they are until you are there in Humboldt Redwoods State Park.

Photo Courtesy of Alamo's Scenic Route

And seeing views like this at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park or El Captain would probably be enough to make me want to set up camp, send for the kids, and never leave. I don't think these views would ever get old...they are so gorgeous.

Photo Courtesy of Alamo's Scenic Route

So, while this trip is still in the works and a few years away, I'm making my list of must-see destinations and hoping we can find time to squeeze it all in!!!

Have you ever visited California?  What were your favorite parts?

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