Friday, October 25, 2024

Senior Homecoming Dinner

 It's really hard for me to believe that senior year milestones are flying by.  I really feel like we were just at the first day of school senior breakfast and now Halloween is just a week away. 

One thing I have learned about seniors is that they think they are grown and responsible enough to make all their own plans and arrangements, but often times the follow through doesn't occur without a little assistance from the parents. They had really good intentions with homecoming plans, but when your group grows to 68 people, the planning becomes a little difficult. That's exactly what happened to this group and they didn't want to split up for dinner. However, no restaurant was going to take them and it would mean renting an event space in order to keep them all together. When we found out just two weeks before homecoming that they didn't really have a plan we agreed to host them at our house. I just prayed for good weather because with a group this large it was most definitely going to be an outside event! 

I knew that I wanted it to feel special for their last homecoming and didn't want it to feel like they were just eating in someone's driveway. I had an idea of what I wanted to create and loved the way it all turned out. 

We already had a lot of tables so I added to those and then rented chairs from a local spot. I had a handful of other moms who offered to help so they all came over earlier in the afternoon and helped get everything set up. It went quickly and I loved seeing it all come together! Almost everything was from Amazon and I will link it all at the bottom of this post. 

The timing of photos and dinner plans for both girls was a little tricky, but we made it work and got back to our house just a few minutes before the seniors started to arrive. Some other senior parents came to help with crowd control during the dinner and the breakdown of everything. I remember looking around and one point though and saying that this didn't feel like 60+ kids. 

We put clear vases on the table for all of the girls to place their beautiful bouquets in. It was so pretty to see all the different flowers and it saved me from having to make a bunch of arrangements. 

I was going to get light up marquees letters to spell out HOCO, but ended up going with 2025 because I figured I could use it for a lot of other events this year! They come in a tiny box and have to be put together using hot glue. 

The kids wanted Willy's catering so that was super easy to arrange and then I just did tea, lemonade and water to drink and mini Crumbl cookies for dessert! We got really lucky with great weather, but we did have our two outdoor heaters on the driveway and they were much appreciated by the girls after the sun went down.

People often only say negative things about teenagers, but this group was polite, well-mannered, and so grateful they had a space where they could all be together. I am so happy I was able to make the night special for them! 

Linking what I can: 

Tablecloths (I did 90x132 so they would be floor length for my 6 foot tables.)

Gold Paper Chargers 

Plastic Plates 

Gold Plastic Silverware 

Clear Plastic Glasses with Gold Trim

Marquees Numbers (3 foot)

Clear Jars for Bouquets  (We also used some random vases I have collected over the years.)

Gold Mercury Glass Tea Light Holders

LED Tea Lights

Green and Gold Scallop napkins came from Party City 

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