Sunday, September 6, 2015

Savvy Sassy Sunday: Managing Our Mornings {Hello & SmartyPants}

It's a little hard for me to believe that my girls have been in school for over a month now. August 3rd was such an early start to the school year, but we had no other option than to jump right in and start surviving the crazy schedule that is our life.

They ride the bus most mornings and the bus comes 6:52 AM early.  Yes, you read that right, they officially get on the bus at the crack of dawn.  If I was a morning person that might not be an issue, but I'm not.  I set my alarm for 5:30 AM and hit snooze until 6 AM.  This drives the Mr. crazy, but it's how I've always done mornings and how I'll always do them.  But, in the spirit of full disclosure, often times I hit snooze one too many times meaning that I'm up at 6:07 AM and rushing to get them up, dressed, fed, and out the door on time.  Needless to say, it's a rush against the clock and I look for every possible way to make our mornings run as smoothly as possible.

Two ways we try to manage our morning routines is having clothes picked out the night before and lunches packed and ready to go.  Now, having girls means there is always the last minute wardrobe issue, but for the most part this really helps.  I could not (or would not) be able to get up early enough to pack lunches in the morning so I have everything packed and prepped in the fridge the night before so that all I have to do is stick it in their lunch boxes with an ice pack.

One of the smartest things I started doing this year was using a School Morning Supply Kit.  In it I have everything I need, or might need, to remember for those rushed mornings.  A hair brush and hair spray to fix a last minute flyaway, medicine I might need to remember to give them, Hello toothpaste and extra tooth brushes for a quick brush after breakfast and SmartyPants Vitamins to start their day out as healthy as can be.

Just like those wardrobe issues I mentioned, there is often a last-minute hair style change, so having my supplies handy downstairs helps tremendously.  I have the mornings perfectly mapped out, minute-by-minute, and sending them back up to their bathrooms to brush would mean I'd have to wake them up earlier than I already do.  Being able to brush quickly downstairs saves us precious time and gets us out the door to the bus stop in time.

I've shared my love of Hello toothpaste before HERE and it is still our very favorite.  The kids love all of the flavors and often sneak their favorites out of each others' bathrooms.  I love that it is as natural as can be and free of things like artificial sweeteners and dyes. My kids love it because it just taste good.  Plain and simple.  That is all they care about and it has them happy to brush, so that makes me happy!

SmartyPants Vitamins are a new favorite in our house.  My kids love the idea of vitamins and we often try all sorts of different ones to find something that everyone can agree on.  I forget to give them to my kids half the time, but keeping them in my new School Morning Supply Kit has really helped me with remembering!

These SmartyPants Kids Complete Vitamins are perfect because they are an all-in-one gummy vitamin that my kids all love.  There is no way they are going to let me forget to give them out each morning.

We've also tried the Kids Complete + Fiber On-the-Go packs and, in fact, I packed them for our little Labor Day Weekend getaway this weekend.  They are perfect for travel and that way I am sure to keep up with giving my kids the vitamins they need, even when we are away from home.

The awesome people at SmartyPants wanted to do a giveaway for one of our readers!  Simply enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a full month's supply of the Kids Complete Vitamins, as well as, a months supply of the Kids Complete + Fiber On-the-Go packs!  The winner will be announced the week of September 14th!

Maybe one of these days I'll learn to wake up earlier and start our mornings not being so rushed, but I know myself and I know that has a very slim chance of happening.  Instead I'll just stay as prepared and organized as I can and be thankful for great products like Hello and SmartyPants to start their school mornings off on the right foot!
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a Rafflecopter giveaway

***I received these products as part of the Savvy Sassy Moms Product Scout Group.  All options are my own.***
***This post contains Amazon affiliate links.***


  1. wake up early and get things rolling

  2. We manage mornings by going to bed early and getting things ready for the the night before like packing backpacks and lunches

  3. We give the kids responsibilities for the evening (pack backpack, gets clothes picked out) and the morning (brushing teeth, helping pack lunch, etc.). With everyone having a role and helping, morning are much easier.

  4. So excited about these vitamins. I've been looking for a vitamin without artificial flavors and these sound perfect!

  5. We meal prep the week on Sundays and lay out clothing the night before!

  6. We try to get as much ready the night before to make things easier in the mornings.

  7. Getting everything ready the night before helps.


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