There's nothing we love more than a holiday that celebrates love. We know for some people this is a completely cheezy unnecessary holiday. We are not those people.
We go way over the top and celebrate February with everything we've got. We promote love. We promote kindness. We wear it loud and proud, and we showcase it from our front porches to our back porches, and every space in between.
We love love.
Plus it's like ten degrees out, football season is officially over, and that darn groundhog predicted we have six more months of Winter. What else do we have to live for?

When we pulled out our Valentine's Day decor this year we noticed we were a little lacking in the throw pillow department. Now I'm not one to shy away from a good trip to Home Goods, or (my personal favorite) Pottery Barn to stock up on some adorable themed throw pillows, but this year I decided to see if I could do a little something different. Make my own!

I ordered some plain white pillow covers (I found some cheaper ones after the fact, but these worked great), and let my creativity flow.
Well, really I raided my kids craft closet and went with the easiest thing I could think of. My goal was to create a quick and easy DIY pillow without breaking the bank in case my pillow creation skills turned out to be severely lacking and I should have just headed to Pottery Barn in the first place.

After I was finished I was pleasantly surprised. The Valentine's Day pillows were way easier than I thought they would be! With in only a few minutes they were completely put together and ready to place on my porch!

After thinking about it, you can totally recreate these pillows for less that $5 and the options on what you can do are endless. To learn more details and see the quick and easy instructions on how I made these DIY Valentine's Day pillows pop over to our post on Savvy Sassy Moms.

Now share with us what design you would make on your own pillow!
(I have plenty of extra covers and a lot more throw pillow love to share!)
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