Yesterday I shared the news that we are moving, and today I'm going to give you a little peek at the house. This is the house before we began renovations. For the record, it is a gorgeous home. Could we have moved into it right away and been fine? Absolutely.

The home is a custom build from the early 2000's, and the home owners did do a fair amount of updating to it over the years. It is also an eerily similar layout to what our current home has now. That made it easier for us to say, "Yes!".

Because we already knew how things from our current home would fit, it made it much easier for us to envision ourselves in the space, as well as what we could do to each space. Basically, we are taking what we've done to our current home and replicating it here.

The previous owners actually did a major renovation to the main floor of their house including a kitchen update only a few years ago. It has a ton of fancy features added to it. Features that I have absolutely no idea how to use. Those who know me personally know that that oven (any oven) is just for show.

But the cabinets...let's just say that they make my inner OCD extremely giddy.

When I say it needed work, most of the main two floors of the house really only needed cosmetic updates. Paint, a little bit of dry wall repair, and some flooring replacement were all that were originally on our list. The bathrooms were really the only spaces that needed updating. But again, we could have lived with them too.

The garage for awhile was our biggest sticking point. We knew we needed a different layout that what the house came with. The garage was too small for either of our cars to fit. My SUV barely fit on one side if we left the door open, and Mr. Magnolia's truck...not a chance. Throw in kids toys and lawn equipment...we knew it wasn't going to happen. The garage would just end up being a storage space and that was feasible long term.

Originally the owners were going to build a garage because they were running into the same problem, but then they decided they wanted to build a house for the next stage of life now that they are empty nesters. So they gifted us their architectural drawings. We went back and forth (a million times!) on what to do. We asked friends, family, and contractors their opinions. We came up with multiple different scenarios, but ultimately landed on the fact that what they had planned made the most sense. So stay tuned because that is probably the biggest change coming to the house over all!

The basement is probably our second biggest change. This is where most of the "quirky" came in. I'll share more on this later (because trust me it's a much longer post), but here's a quick peek at some of the basement before we began renovations.

The outdoor space is what drew us to the home originally, and to date it's still our favorite thing about the house. As much as I will miss my current home, seeing the joy on my kids faces each time they run through the yard, play in the woods, or hit a baseball ball without having to worry about smashing a car or window reassures me we made the right decision I think. There is no doubt they will spend countless hours making memories outside.

And now you see why my kids were all like, "Mom, quit crying tears over the first piece of hardwood flooring you stepped on when you brought us home from the hospital, put a for sale sign up, and get me a pool float."
The previous home owners own a pool and landscape design company. So the property has a lot of fun perks. And pretty flowers that I have no idea how to take care of, and have a crazy feeling have already lived their best life. #blackthumb

I'll do a renovation update post soon to show progress. I'm not sure if I will do one big one or room by room. Thoughts?
The kids have been troopers all Winter, and now that we are getting close to the end we are all excited to move into our new space!

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