It's been one year. ONE. I can't even believe I'm writing this - but it's been one year today since we purchased our new home.
We didn't really have a plan other than we knew we were going to renovate it, and it would be some time in 2020 when we moved. If you had told me on October 22, 2019 what the next year would have been like I would have laughed and laughed and laughed at you. Here's why...
New House Thought #1: The bulk of the renovations will be done by end of January, so we will move February Winter Break.
Reality: We moved in June. Into an unfinished house.
New House Thought #2: Our current home will sell quick. What will we do about the kids schools?
Reality: A major pandemic hits the world and we need not worry about things like schools.
Or homes selling too quick.
New House Thought #3: It will be so nice having a GC (that is not us) taking care of all the details.
Reality: "Hi. We're GC Mr. Magnolia, his assistant Jen, and our three tiny foreman. Welcome to our remodel!"
New House Thought #4: We can't wait to go pick out all the new shiny home things!
Reality: Is it available on Amazon? (See pandemic comment above.)
New House Thought #5: "Hey kids grab your masks! Mom's painting something."
Reality: "Hey kids grab your masks! Mom's talking to the contractors, picking out flooring, grabbing new towels at Target, standing in the driveway with the landscapers..."
In short, the things we were most stressed or worried about never came to fruition. Things we weren't even thinking about became the largest hurdles. However - and I'm in the minority of this thinking - I actually think the slower pace and limitations we faced actually made it a more enjoyable process.
2020 cut out a lot of extra in our lives for a few months. So that freed up a lot of time that Mr. Magnolia and I normally wouldn't have to concentrate on the remodel. Granted lead times, shipping times, and quarantines dragged out the process in some portions of the build (especially towards the end), but having the time to focus on it all made it less stressful.
It also gave us more time to stare at the house and add an extra project. Or ten.
All that extra free time allowed us to tackle projects we didn't think we would have time for until next year or the following.
So pandemic remodeling...honestly not that bad.
From start to finish, construction/remodeling took us about nine months. We still have a few small things to tweak and a few outdoor projects that seem to be dragging, but otherwise we're done!
Out of all of us, I was the most hesitant about moving and doing a major remodel. In the end, I think it was one of the best decisions we could have ever made. It was fun to do as a couple and as a family. It has been a dream to let our kids have so much space to run around and play. And it has been a much easier transition in terms of schools/activities/lifestyle than I could have ever planned.
I'll try to share some fun before and afters soon of all the different rooms. It's amazing how much some of the spaces have changed!

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