Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Countdown

 This morning I officially locked down most of the major details of Little Cute's first birthday party. Let the countdown to one begin.

While this is a fun moment, it is also a bittersweet one to me. For multiple personal reasons, we know we are done having children, so this is my last baby. I can't even wrap my brain around that. Carrie Beth and I have had many a talk lately about how we wish we could freeze time with our children.

No more teeny tiny little baby newborn clothes. No more hearing "mama" for the first time. No more first steps. No more middle of the night snuggles. No more texting my husband the latest poop explosion photo.

I can't even imagine.

And let me tell you...Little Cute makes you want to have five more babies. And then she smiles and waves at you coyly, and you want ten more than that. She is that dream baby that makes all the tired moms at the park hate you.

I feel like this year has flown by at warp speed. One seemed so far away, and now with a party officially planned, the circled date on the calendar that is six weeks away now seems like it is racing towards me. So while I am looking forward to every fun milestone that I know her second year of life will bring, I am going to savor these last few weeks of "baby" as much as I can.

As the tears threatened following party planning phone calls this morning, I took one look around me and decided to channel that dramatic energy into something more positive. So I did what any self respecting former photographer mom of two would do.

I dusted off my trusty old Canon 5D, turned on a recorded Wild Kratts and gave a snack to the "no way I'm going to smile/cooperate/sit still" older Cute, and played photo shoot with the "I will always smile/ clap on command/wear any outfit you want" Little Cute. It definitely brightened my mood, and now I have some fun new snapshots to savor these sweet moments.

There's my smiley girl...

Her creative side came out, and she felt she needed an accessories adjustment. Side bow? Front bow? No bow! (Don't even try it.)

Front bow it is. Just darling.

Even on the rare occasion that she cries, she is still so freaking adorable. 

Sorry Little Cute, mommy will not let you fall off bed head first even though you think it is a good time. Your brother has already cornered that market.

See back to happy in .2 seconds.

And look! So young, but already practicing a good third position at the barre. Mommy is so proud. So so proud. :)

"Bye new friends! Can't wait to share my first birthday party with you!"

Now off to channel my energies into something else wine glass. ;)
 photo jensig.png

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