Last weekend the Mr. and I were able to sneak away to Key West for a little getaway. I was all excited until he called me the day before we were supposed to leave and said, "even though that hurricane might be heading towards Key West, the trip is still on." Now I had no idea that there even was a potential hurricane in the area, and I only hoped that the weather would cooperate with us. Thankfully, it did! We had wonderful weather and it only rained a little each afternoon, but the storms were quick and it got sunny right away after the rain had passed.
When you arrive in Key West, you walk off the plane down some stairs and right onto the tarmac. This always seems a little odd to me, but we were immediately hit with the hot and humid Florida Keys weather. I also loved seeing these fun statues as we enter the airport. I swear they look like real people up there!
We arrived at the house we were going to be staying at and were welcomed by the gorgeous tropical plants. Seriously so inviting!
We spent most of our days on the boat. The group we were with has a brand new fancy boat that is great for fishing, diving, snorkeling and lobstering. The Mr. dives and I stick to snorkeling, but it was awesome to be out on the water. It was a little more rough than in years past when we have visited, but still gorgeous blue water and lots of fun fish to see.
We also spent a lot of time catching lobster! I actually didn't catch any, but I watched how the process went and it was fascinating. Those little guys are fast so you have to know what you are doing. They have to be a certain size to be able to keep them, so I learned lots about how that all works.
They guys found plenty and it was definitely a successful part of our trip. Everyone got to bring some home, so I'm on the lookout for awesome lobster recipes if anyone has some to share!
I mentioned that I didn't catch any lobster, but I did want to hold on for a picture. I was terrified the thing would wiggle out of my hands, but I put on a glove and just went for it.
I probably gained weight on our trip, because we ate so well each night. Lots of yummy seafood restaurants to try and so much Key Lime pie!!!! On this night we ate by the water and had such beautiful views of the sunset.

I'm always tickled to see the roosters running around the island. We sat outside for dinner and when I looked over this guy was just hanging out. They don't bother anyone (except when they start to crow at the crack of dawn), but I don't know if I'd ever get used to seeing them just walking about everywhere all over the island.
On our last day we went to a few more snorkeling spots and the water was kind of rough. I wanted to see some of the huge coral heads though, so I stepped out of my comfort zone and I'm so glad I did. We saw some really pretty fish (one that looked like Dory!), a sting ray, barracuda (that made me a little nervous) and more lobster.
It was a great trip and lots of fun, but I was excited to come home and see the kiddos! It's hard being away while they have school, homework, tests, sports practices and games. All of these things are kept in my brain, but when I write it down for someone else to be in charge of it seems overwhelming! They were in great hands though and had a fun weekend, too. :-)
Don't forget to enter the giveaway for JORD wood watches. Details about the giveaway and my watch are HERE. I am so in love with it and have gotten so many compliments on it every time I have it on! Today is the last day to enter to win a chance for a $75 credit. Everyone gets a $20 credit just for entering so be sure to check it out!