This past weekend contained a whirlwind of activities. We hit the ground running on Saturday morning nice and early for Cute's soccer practice/game. My stomach muscles definitely got a good work out from all the laughing I was doing. Nothing is funnier (or cuter) than a bunch of three year olds trying to play an organized soccer game.
My favorite part was when Cute kicked the ball out of bounds, chased after it, picked it up, ran back with the ball in his arms football style, placed it directly in front of the goal and then proceeded to kick it in. All while a pack of his teammates were chasing him.
And then proceeded to run away with his arms in the air yelling, "GOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLL!!" World Cup style.
At the end of this game the team received their medals for the season. Cute and his friend were so proud.
Directly after the game, we did a quick change and headed two hours south to celebrate the Hubs grandmother's 88th birthday. We had a fun time with family we hadn't seen in awhile and the kids loved playing with their older cousins.
After the party was over, we packed up our little crew and headed back towards home. We arrived just in time to join some fun friends for a tailgate dinner party to watch the UGA vs. Arkansas game. Everyone was having so much fun that we ended up hanging out a little later and enjoying a bonfire complete with s'mores.
This is my interpretive photo art of the evening.
Also known as mommy had maybe a little too much wine and didn't adjust her camera shutter speed.
It was delicious.
But my favorite part of the weekend was getting to spend time with this little guy on Sunday...
Temps have cooled off a little bit here in Georgia and it is finally started to feel like fall. Most days have still been warm enough to wear shorts and t-shirts, but occasionally we have had to break out some pants. Unfortunately on those days Cute looks like he has been wearing capri pants. He has a whole size that he has pretty much skipped over and his stockpile of pants has been rendered useless.
So, after I shed a small tear at all the cute madras, plaid, and embroidered pants that won't get worn, I declared Sunday a mommy and me shopping day and we left Daddy and Little Cute behind to fend for themselves.
I was so excited! Over the last year we have rarely been able to spend any one on one time together.
First order of business, Cute told me he needed energy to shop. So we headed to one of his new favorite restaurants, Crave Burger. I even let him pick out what we each ordered. Good thing mommy wasn't shopping for pants.
Our first shopping stop was to Gap Kids. They usually have a great selection for boys in the pants department and I love that they offer the adjustable waist (Cute is long and skinny). Their jeans usually are pretty thick and can withstand the rough and tumble of a boy's nature.
My favorites are the Original Fit and the Loose Fit.

I surprisingly also thought this pair looked good on him. And look...when he rips the knees in his other pairs, we are already in style.
Right now they are having an awesome sale so we found a few other fun items as well. This cute shirt came in a lot of colors and was only $7.
And I loved this cute sweater. I felt like it would keep him warm, but wouldn't be too hot or itchy when inside with the heat blasting.
Then Cute did a little browsing of his own. He found these dinosaur pjs and wasn't about to let them out of his sight.
Nor was he going to back down from some of the fun super hero themed options they had in store. Our favorites were the super hero sweaters and fun mittens.
Our next stop was the J. Crew Factory Outlet. I love the Crew Cuts line and it seems to fit Cute's body type well.
These chino pants were my favorite and they came in an amazing selection of colors. I loved the red!
And because I might have a small obsession with all things nautical, these super cute anchor pants were not getting passed up. I don't usually let Cute wear sweatpants outside the house unless its for sports but if more of them had cute anchors on them I might.
Then Cute found this dinosaur t-shirt. Not only does it have a dinosaur on it (notice a pattern?), but it also glows in the dark. A little boy "must-have" apparently.
Third on my list was an old faithful, Carter's. I love Carter's stuff because it is inexpensive and usually you can grab a bunch of basics with out killing your bank account.
These cords were my favorite and they too had a wide range of colors. I also loved that also have the adjustable waist.
These buffalo check and plaid shirts were also a favorite of mine. They had a ton of patterns available and some even were fleece lined if you live in cooler areas.
By far both of our favorite find of the day was this fun vest. Cute was so excited that he wore it around the store because he "looked just like daddy".
After Carter's we decided to call the clothes shopping portion of our trip a success and we headed to the toy store to pick up a few gifts for Little Cute's birthday this week and for some sweet friends. Needless to say Cute found this waaaaaay more fun than trying on clothes.
It was an awesome mommy and son date, and I can't wait to get some more one on one time planned with my little man soon!!
Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend as well!

P.S. Because I can't just let a whole winter go by with out at least one pair of madras pants I found this awesome deal online when I looked later. You can thank me later! ;)
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