So...we are well in 2018, but this has been one of the trickiest posts to write. I don't even know why. Carrie Beth always does an awesome job at her goals! I'm always so impressed with her, and her ability to come up with meaningful goals.
Me on the other hand?
< crickets >
Last year, instead of sharing goals, I shared two words we would live by for the year. It was such a millennial thing to do, but since I'm on that whole bubble between Generation Y and millennials, I apparently opted to cling to my youth.

Our two words were "consolidate" and "adventure". Looking back at 2017, we totally nailed these "goals".
Consolidate: We did managed to do a lot of things to manage the stress in lives, clean out our homes, and somehow just before the end of the year I was able to lose 10 pounds. I call it the run and eat Christmas cookies only diet. It apparently worked. (Disclosure Statement: Totally not FDA approved and results may vary. )
Adventure: Oh, did we adventure. We went to beach. We saw cities. We took a vacation with out the kids. We played tourist in our own city. We threw epic parties just because. We Disney'ed with a six year old, a three year old and a baby - and if that's not an adventure, I don't know what is. In 2017, we were jam packed with adventure.
While I'm channeling my inner millennial, I can go ahead and lay out my word for 2018 now...

I'll let you interpret that as you wish.
I'm an incredibly goal driven person, and couldn't figure out why this wasn't coming clearly to me as the new year approached. So I turned to my goal guru for advice. Carrie Beth is such a good friend. She sat there and listened to my rough draft of potential goals and didn't even give me one eye roll. She might have wanted to, but not even a twitch. See...besties.

So my goal guru/bestie and I did a little brainstorming, and came up with a more realistic (and maybe slightly less superficial) goal list for 2018.
< drumroll >
Jen's Goals for 2018
1: Have a body that makes 21 year olds jealous.
Superficial? Totally. Attainable? Possibly. I'm putting that cookie/running diet to the test. Check back in December 2018.
In all seriousness, the back half of 2017 I made some major changes and the results are slowly starting to show. I'm hoping this carries over to 2018 in a major way. I eat cleaner, and changed up my workout routine. What worked before wasn't working so I made some adjustments and am now making headway. Stay tuned...
2: Have individual date time with members in my family.
The way our life is set up makes for a crazy schedule, and no amount of adjusting will change that. We are used to it and it's our norm. However, it doesn't lend to much one on one time with each individual - especially when it comes to the kids. This year I plan on trying to carve out some date time with each person in my family. My babysitters will be so excited because I will probably triple their income for the year, but I think the end results will be worth it.
3: Become comfortable with saying NO.
I say yes a lot. Way too much. To everyone and every thing. This year I am determined to say "no" more. And here's the real goal - to not feel guilty about it.
4: Put the phone down.
I'm actually pretty good about stepping away (my iWatch majorly helped this), but my goal this year is to determine chunks of time to be on my phone. I realize in our culture we've made our entire lives be on our phones. Heck, I even use my phone to pay for things now. But I don't want my kids to see this all the time. I know it will eventually be their norm too, but before that I want to be an example and establish really good habits.
5: Adventure somewhere new.
We do a good job of this each year, but I like to keep it as a rolling goal. I like being able to get us out of our comfort zones, exploring new places, and learning new things. It's a big world people, see as much of it as you can!
And those are my goals for 2018. Others will come and go throughout the year, and I've learned these will evolve as time goes on (I mean maybe just make 80 year olds jealous???), but I love that I have a good benchmark to start from. Bring it on 2018!
What are some of your goals for 2018? Superficial or not...I want to hear them all!
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