After Christmas, the Hubs and I were in a state of shock. Our house looked like Toys 'R Us exploded in it. Before the holidays we had stealthily cleaned out a ton of toys, but clearly output didn't match input. As previously mentioned, clutter makes me anxious. The fact that I now couldn't eat dinner without sixteen baby dolls staring at me, or had to make a path from the couch to the TV to actually be able to view the picture that I was hearing, had me at an all time high level of anxiety.
Our playroom was already busting at the seams, and I didn't want to spread the chaos to the kids rooms. I briefly mentioned to the Hubs that maybe we transform his half finished "manroom" into a temporary storage area. He saw where that was going and promptly launched a counter attack against the toys (the fear was real).
We brainstormed a few ideas (short of returning every single thing they received), and decided our best plan of attack was to aim our efforts at the playroom.
We finished our basement a few years ago, while I was pregnant with Cute. With his impending arrival (and the hopeful thought of adding more children in the future) we included a large playroom in the plans. Now four years later it is packed to the brim.
It's a pretty large room, but as we began to look around we realized we might not be maximizing its potential. Several large walls were bare due to projects that never saw the light of day, and storage (while we had some) was only utilized to a small space of shelves.
One wall also recently suffered minor damage from Hot Wheels tracks being ripped off of it, and was in need of repair.
Most definitely the playroom is the absolute best place for all the toys to find their final home, so being the construction genius that he is, the Hubs drew up some plans to
We came up with this final plan/wish list based off his drawings:
- Repair/repaint damaged wall.
- Cull through toys again and donate, donate, donate!
- Build a better storage system.
- Organize games/arts & crafts in their own space (and out of the hands of Little Cute).
- Create a chalkboard wall.
- Hang artwork and photos.
Almost immediately we put our plan into action, and I couldn't be more pleased with the changes already in place. We went through all toys and now have a LARGE donation all set to make its way out of this house.
Our goal is to have the playroom makeover complete by month's end, and to enjoy the rest of the year in perfect toy organized bliss. One can dream.

P.S. - Don't forget to enter our White House|Black Market Gift Card Giveaway. Visit HERE for details!
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