Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Family Ski Trip {Breckenridge - Part 2}

If you missed part one of my ski trip recap, you can find it here.

We woke up for our second day of skiing to beautiful, clear and blue skies.  It was still cold (because, hello it is Colorado in the winter), but it was the kind of cold you expect and can deal with . And there is nothing better than feeling the sunshine, because it really felt SO much warmer than it was.

So the other big news for day 2 of skiing was that the girls got to use poles for the first time!  For those of you non-skiers, typically kids are taught to ski without using poles.  It is just one less thing for them to keep up with and have to worry about, so up until this point they had never used poles.  They wanted them last year because 1) They think they look fun and 2) when we get to a flat area near the bottom of the mountain it is much harder to move along without poles to push you along. We had promised them last year they could get poles this year if they could prove to us they had everything under control and could start to work on their parallel turns.

They both did fantastic on day 1 of skiing, so we thought they were ready for the poles.  I was thinking it might throw them a bit or we might end up with lost equipment by the end of the day, but they did great!  We only had one mishap when getting on the lift with a dropped pole just as we were sitting down, but they lift attendants handed the pole to the chair behind us and they brought it up to the top for us so it all worked out.

It turned out that the poles also provided a lot of entertainment as they were waiting for us to get down the hill to them or when we were deciding which direction to go.  From sword fighting to writing their names in the snow, it kept them happy!

 We told our little Buddy that he could have poles next year, but he made us pinky promise that he could snowboard next year, so he won't be needing them anyway.  

Since this was such a gorgeous day we made our way all over the mountain. There are multiple "peaks" at Breckenridge and we went several peaks over by taking different runs and different chairlifts.  I remember doing it last year and the kids were a little more intimidated by the steeper and more difficult runs, but this year it was a total breeze for them!

We were both so happy and impressed with how well our kids were skiing and how much fun everyone was having.  I've said it before, but I feel like this might be our best family vacation we take each year.  It's really the only thing we do that everyone is doing the same thing, together all day long, and enjoying being outside, being active, and having fun! 

After skiing as long as we possible could we did a quick trip to the hot tub and then got ready for dinner.  We ate at Blue Stag Saloon and it was our favorite spot of the week!  

It was a quaint little place with lots of character, tons of yummy food options and great service! 

Be sure to check back for our third and final day tomorrow! 

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1 comment:

  1. It would be a wonderful experience to visit this skiing site with family and enjoy all the day through.


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