Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Galentine's Day Giveaway

Happy Galentine's Day y'all! 

Okay...we have to admit, until just a few weeks ago we had no idea this was even a holiday. But that's not going to stop of from having a little fun with it. We love any kind of holiday, especially one where we can celebrate all the amazing ladies in our lives. 

If there is one lesson we have learned in life (and as mother's) it's that you need great girlfriends to support you/have fun with/go to advice for/travel with/share a glass of wine and good laugh with! 

So we will proudly celebrate a holiday that celebrates that! 

We also wanted to have a little fun with it, and do a quick little giveaway for all you ladies who support this little blog! 

We know second to great girlfriends getting you through this journey called motherhood, you need a good cup of caffeine. 

We love these little coffee huggers that our friend Kathryn sells in her super cute shop, and we snagged a few extra in our last order. 

They are super cute, and there are a ton of fun little cheeky sayings with different patterns. Just a little something extra to make us smile on those hectic mornings (or if you're like us, afternoons too). 

So we've decided to giveaway for you and your Galentine! Enter in the comments below to win one of these super cute coffee huggers and a Starbucks gift card for you and a friend. Winner will be notified on Thursday, February 15th. 

U.S. residents only. Winner will be chosen at random and have 24 hours to claim prize or another winner will be chosen. 

Head to Instagram for an extra chance to win! 

Who will you be celebrating Galentine's Day with? 

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  1. I’d love for my bestie and I to win this!! We LOVE alllll the coffee !!

  2. yes yes yes! We love koozies! And who doesn't need starbucks, like all the time!

  3. This would be neat to win for my mom and I! Can't live without coffee!!

  4. These are so cute! Would love to win and give one to my best friend!

  5. My coffee addiction is hard core. My bestie drinks tea. Together we'd hit the local Starbucks every day if we could!

  6. These are just so cute! And I am a huge Starbucks fan...!

  7. Love my morning coffee! This would make it even better!


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