Happy Friday everyone! As always linking up with some of our favorite bloggers to wrap up the end of the week, and oh my do I have a lot of favorites for this week! It's been a fun week, and we've had a lot of exciting things going on. So without further delay, this week's favorites...
Snow! We had our first snow (and quite possibly our only) of the winter, and the kids LOVED it! We only received about an inch or so, but they acted like it was two feet deep.
They threw snow balls forever, rolled in it, played chase, and simply had a blast. They were so sad when it melted a few hours later.
Seeing their excitement, we might just have to follow suit with Carrie Beth's family and start incorporating ski trips into our vacation plans.
While we were "snowed in" I was able to catch up on a lot of projects and get some reading done. I finished our book club book, and can't wait to discuss that with you guys next week.
It was so nice to just relax a little bit. Now if I can just catch up on my Bachelor watching, I would be one happy relaxed mommy. :)
Speaking of relaxed I saw this funny chart somewhere in my Internet travels this week, and thought it was hilarious.
If this rings true, Carrie Beth and I should be some of the most relaxed people you meet.
And at the mention of baby, one of my favorites this week is finally figuring out a plan! The end is near!! I have grown super uncomfortable over the last few weeks, and The Cutes have been taking full advantage of a slower mommy. We did an ultrasound earlier in the week, and have another scheduled on Monday. My guess is baby will make her appearance before then, but if not we now have an official eviction date.
{Maternity tunic top available HERE} |
Bring on baby!
And knowing baby is on her way in less than a week, we definitely amped up the whole nursery decorating business. Choosing a paint color was the turning point and then everything else fell into place from there over the weekend.
I will share all the details soon, but I love what we ended up with and am so excited to finally have a place for her to call her own in our home.
It's definitely still a work in progress, but it's been fun to put everything together and put out some of her sweet shower gifts. I can't wait to see her precious little face!
In honor of all things baby, and the fact that sometime soon my feet will be on major display for a room full of strangers to see, I planned a little girly outing with L.C. to have a mommy/daughter mani and pedi. We will have our toes done in this fun pink color.
I let her pick it out at the store and she was so excited! Usually we do her mani/pedi in Piggy Paint, but she was so excited when I told her we would match for baby 3.0. I was nervous letting her pick out the color, but she went straight for a pink. That's my girl!
Cute's birthday definitely tops my favorites for the week! He is such a fun little boy and always keeps us laughing. He seems so tiny still and I can't imagine what it will even feel like to hold another newborn again.
Little Cute picked out these Ninja Turtle pjs for him for his birthday, complete with mask, and no joke he has worn them almost every single day since his birthday. Good thing I am doing laundry all day every day or else this would be a major issue each night when he requests his "Ninja footies".
While on the subject of pjs, I have been lounging in these quite a bit lately.
I can't get over how cozy they are! So much so that I decided to order this set for when I am in the hospital. They are that soft and comfortable!!
And as an added bonus it comes with a matching gown for baby! Swoon!!
And that's a wrap for favorites this week! Happy weekend everyone and hopefully the next time you hear from me, baby 3.0 will be here - EEK!
What were some of your week's favorites?

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