Hurray for Friday! With this week being a little bit shorter, I feel like our time flew by!
It was a week packed with summer activities, outside playtime, beach prep, and just general summer fun.
I wouldn't have it any other way. We survived (and I do mean survived) the school year, and now I finally feel like we slowing down and getting into the summer groove.
So lovely people, the emails about Fall activities, school, volunteering, committees, etc. I'm ignoring you. On purpose. At least until July. This mommy wants to enjoy summer - especially as short as ours is. Am I the only one who feels this way?
With the unofficial start of summer underway, we've had a ton of fun moments this week. As usual, linking up with some of our favorite bloggers for Friday Favorites...

Spending time with this guy is always my favorite.
(Been chopping his head off in photos since 2002.) |
Earlier in the week we were able to get a babysitter and sneak out to a yummy kid-free dinner.
We didn't arrive until almost our normal bedtime because Baby Cute is currently refusing a bottle again, but we were determined. It was heaven being able to catch up and talk. We don't do it nearly as much as we should!

This sweet little nugget turned four months. Four! How is that possible??
Baby Cute is the sweetest baby ever. She is currently all smiles, has found the magic of toys, and snuggles non-stop. It makes me want another!
We had her well visit this week, and while she still is battling her bouts of eczema, she is otherwise a happy and healthy little ball of cuteness.
Getting happy healthy news will always be my favorite!

With summer free time, comes summer reading. In addition to our book club book, I read two other books.
The Knockoff was such a cute story! This book popped up in my Amazon suggested and I decided to roll with it. You instantly fall in love with the main character Imogen Tate (and her adorable family). Imogen is just returning back to her job as a magazine editor after experiencing a health scare and quickly realizes a lot has changed since her last time at work.
It reminds me a little of Devil Wears Prada with a twist. Definitely a good, light story if you are looking for a beach read.
The third book I read this month was The Luckiest Girl Alive.
I'm torn on this one. It isn't my typical genre, but I had heard great things about it. It reminds me of Gillian Flynn's style - kind of dark and twisted, with broken characters.
It's scary to think of something like this happening, but I will say I enjoyed how it ended.
Verdict is still out, but...I also couldn't put it down.

Getting my mind wrapped around a trip we have coming up soon. Channeling my inner OCD I was laying things out so I can plan packing (yes, I do this - just roll with the crazy), and I realized I have quite the flamingo obsession this year.
How cute is this little flamingo cover up and coordinating flamingo swimsuit? It's terry cloth as well, so it will be super cozy after spending all day at the pool and beach.
I also just ordered these super cute flamingo pjs for Little Cute, as well as the matching footed ones for Baby Cute. Aren't they adorable?
I'm even thinking about making L.C.'s birthday party a flamingo themed party. You know the birthday that is still five months away (again, can't stop the crazy).
I've been pinning some of my favorite flamingo finds. If you want to join in the Flamingo Fun here is the board...
Not one to turn down anything coconut, I saw these yummy looking little treats as I was walking through Target this week. They just had to make their way to my cart.
Oh my - this might be my favorite new guilty pleasure.
Talk about yum!
I had to hide them in the back of my pantry behind the canned veggies just so my lovely family members don't discover this yumminess.
(I'm just flaunting the crazy today, aren't I?)

We have been swimming up a storm this week. Swimming at our pool and then swim lessons at local pool close by. I love it and it looks like all three of my babies are officially water babies. Summers spent poolside and lounging on the beach are my absolute fav!

I can not get this song out of my head!
I love me some J.T. and this song is just so fun. It's been on repeat non-stop in our house.
The kids and I have had a blast singing and dancing to it, and I have a feeling it will be our go to song for the summer.
Memorial Day we broke out our red, white, and blue decor and I could not be more excited. I put it back up for a bit, but once we get a little closer to Forth of July I am going to break it out again. I think I might keep it up from then until Labor Day.
Forth of July is my absolute favorite holiday. Favorite!!!
I mean even more than Christmas!
I am not sure what it is about it, but I've loved it since I was a child.
Today I get to meet up with this fabulous girl and do a little 4th of July prep, and I can't think of a better way to end my week!
Stay tuned because we have a ton of fun things up our sleeve for the 4th over the next few weeks.
But first...
Don't forget to enter our #SummerScoop4Moms giveaway worth over $2300!
Details on all the fabulous prizes and entry are
Happy Weekend Y'all!!

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OMG, the flamingo clothes!!!! I NEED!!!