With Thanksgiving approaching, I knew I wanted to get Cute's teachers a fun little thank you gift to celebrate the holiday. As I was racking my brain to come up with the perfect gift, I found these fun travel coffee mugs, and my creative light bulb went off.
I purchased one mug for each of his teachers, and then hopped over to the closest Starbucks and grabbed them each a gift card to coordinate.
Are you awed yet by my creativity? :)
For some magical reason my brain decided to work through its usual mommy sleep deprived haze, and the moment I laid eyes on the mugs, I thought of a fun little card idea and craft to coordinate Thanksgiving with coffee.
Best of all, the idea I came up with was both quick and easy, and if what I pictured in my imagination came to fruition, super cute!
First, I designed the fun card I had in mind (see below for three fun versions to use). Then, I printed on card stock, cut to size and folded.
That left the front of the card blank. My thought was to have Cute do a fun little drawing, but coloring is not his thing.
Being super messy is.
I decided that to make the card both adorable and fun for everyone involved we would break out the paints. In our house, this is just as good as candy so he was super pumped.
I organized the most turkey like colors that I had on hand, and then placed small drops of each on a paper plate. I instructed Cute that we would dip one finger in each color and then make a turkey on the front of the card. He was super excited about the idea, and with the promise of free painting afterwards, he did exactly as I was picturing in my mind.
In fact, he did much better at the brief instructions than I thought he would. I wanted this to look like he did it and not something I did so I let him choose where the colors went and what he wanted the turkey to look like.
He repeated the same steps he created for the second card as well. The only variation he did from my instructions was he wiped his pointer finger following each "dip" so that he would not mix the colors.
I should totally buy the teachers a bigger gift.
The whole process took about two minutes, and then I set the cards aside to dry for about thirty minutes. Once I confirmed the paint had dried, I took a sharpie and added quick eyes and a little triangle beak. Nothing fancy, and Cute probably could have done it himself, but with thirty minutes of free play with acrylic paint we had had enough creative time for the day.
I added the gift card to the inside portion of the card and then wrapped it up with the travel mug in a gift bag with some ribbon. Quick, cute and easy!
Hopefully his teachers will be able to enjoy the fun gift over the holiday break...or better yet when they really will need it that first day back. :)
I made a few different versions of the card to suit whatever personality you might be giving the gift to. I even had to throw in one for my Lilly lovers out there. I designed the card to suit not only teachers, but anyone special you might want to give a little surprise to this Thanksgiving.
To download the "jewelry" version, click HERE.
To download the "TV" version, click HERE.
To download the "Lilly" version, click HERE.
Enjoy, and let me know what fun ideas you come up with for the front of the card!

P.S. - Don't forget to order from Carrie Beth's Jamberry party, and enter in our fun giveaway! Details and links can be found HERE! Good luck everyone!
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