Stop the Internet, grab your remotes, your favorite binge watching snacks, and settle in for this post. We are chatting all about the shows we just. can't. stop. watching.
Largely we aren't big T.V. watchers. If we do get a free moment to sit down and watch something, our T.V.'s are usually set to sports or one of the kids' shows while we snuggle and read a book next to them. Lately though, we've found ourselves tuning in a little bit more. We'd be at dinner with friends or sitting on the sidelines of our kids' sports teams, and inevitably talk of popular shows would pop up. We'd feel so lost when people would chat about Stranger Things or say "Winter is Coming".
So, we decided when people told us to watch a few things to jump right in. Some shows we enjoyed, some we LOVED, and some we found on our own and our now our new favorites. All are watchable from apps on our phones via Prime Video, Netflix, or Apple TV. So that has helped us watch more during our normal routines. We can sneak a few minutes here or there like we do when we read or prop up our phones on the treadmill when we are doing our daily walk/run in the gym.
Here are the ones we just can't stop watching. Also, if the good people of Amazon, Apple, and Netflix can get on making some more seasons ASAP, it would be most appreciated.

- Cheer (Netflix) - We both watched this Netflix docuseries following the National Champion Cheer team from Navarro College right when it came out, and just like Reese Witherspoon, JJ Watt, Chrissy Teigan, and the rest of America - we couldn't get enough!
Carrie Beth's Review: When I learned about this new show the week before it released I downloaded Netflix to my phone, called the Mr. for our log-in and was ready to see what it was all about. This was my first ever Netflix series and after about 5 minutes I was hooked!!! I watched it while I was folding laundry, I watched while I was packing lunches, I watched every second I got until I could finish it. Then I texted all of my cheer mom friends and told them to watch it, too! I mentioned this before, but the world of competitive cheer is just crazy and this was the first show I have seen that did it any justice. It shows the hard work, dedication, crazy training schedule, athleticism and stamina that is expected of these athletes. They work harder than you would ever imagine and put more heart into the sport they just adore. It also shows some very rough backgrounds that some of these college kids came from and it makes you just want to root for their success. I fell in love with everyone on the team for different reasons and cried when they celebrated their success at the end. Not to spoil anything, but when something didn't go their way during their competition my heart dropped just as if it was my own daughter's team out there. It has been so much fun to see this show explode and gain such a following!
Jen's Review: Carrie Beth texted me and told me I needed to start watching Cheer ASAP. So I did. And I couldn't look away. I watched the whole season (six episodes) in one day. One. Why? I'm not really sure. My daughter is also in competitive cheer, and I enjoy it. But, would I normally eat, sleep, and breathe it? No. But for some reason the Navarro College Cheer Team had me from episode one. I had all the feelings. I want Monica to be my life coach. I want Jerry to walk around with me on the daily mat talking me through life. I want to know why all these kids don't have parents. I wanted to give Gabi a hug. And a donut. Because girlfriend just wants a break. And some calories. I want to know what FIOFMU means. And bless them, because who wouldn't want to frolic in the ocean following 2 minutes and 15 seconds of flipping, lifting, being tossed in the air, risking detrimental injury (and defying it) to beat out every single college in the United States? I felt uplifted, entertained, and even teary eyed . It was a great peek into how hard cheerleaders on the competitive level work, and I hope they do a second season (although I'm not sure what else they could show us without it dipping into reality television). - Virgin River (Netflix) - We read the book first (see our review here), and then heard a show was created on Netflix based off the book. We loved the book so much, we couldn't wait to see how it was portrayed as a show. IT. IS. SO. GOOD! It differs from the book in some major ways, but from start to finish it is definitely a new favorite and we can't wait to see season two. The series follows Mel, a nurse practitioner/midwife, as she leaves Los Angeles behind for a simpler life in the remote town of Virgin River. Tragedy, romance, drama - these series has a little bit of everything.
- The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime Video) - This show is just plain fun. It follows the story of Midge Maisel, a housewife in the 1950's who stumbles into a life of stand up comedy. We weren't sure what to think about the show at first. But it's entertaining and kind of a different twist to most shows that are out today, so it's refreshing. It has drama, humor, and romance all wrapped into one.
- Jack Ryan (Amazon Prime Video) - This is a show friends of our told us they watched as a couple. It's based off of author Tom Clancy's infamous Jack Ryan series. Honestly, we only caught a couple of episodes, but so far it's really good. And really intense. The only reason we've only caught and episode here or there is because Mr. Magnolia decided he just couldn't resist watching an episode or two (ahem, the whole season) while on the road for a work trip. Jack Ryan is fast paced, and keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time.
- The Morning Show (Apple TV) - This was one of those shows we heard a lot of buzz about and wanted to see if it lived up to the hype. Verdict: it has. Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Anniston headline it as news anchors, and it's been interesting to see them in different roles than you are used to. The show is based on a book, and it supposed to show the behind the scenes of what goes on in the morning show news world. It's fictional, but at the same time reminds me of a scenario that happened not to long ago in real life. It's jam packed with drama, and very addicting. A second season is supposed to be in the works and we already can't wait.
We wrapped up watching all the available seasons of these shows, and then hit a slump. We wanted a show we could totally get sucked into. So we polled our Facebook and Instagram friends and these were the top suggestions of "must watch" shows.
- The Boys (Amazon)
- Hart of Dixie (Netflix or Amazon)
- You (Netflix)
- This was by far the most recommended show. We've tried watching this before, but it was so intense we ditched it after two episodes. We need our stalkers a little less creepy. But, based on the sheer amount of people who recommended it, we wonder if we should push through and pick it up again?
- Dare Me (Netflix)
- This is also a show based on a book (see the premise here). Jen is listening to the Audible now, and we're curious how it will translate to a show.
- Northern Rescue (Netflix)
What are your current "must watch" shows?
We're looking to add something new to our queues!
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