Friday was cause for much celebration. It closed the end of a long week, and Cute didn't receive any "can't sit still in class today" notes from school. Trust me, in our house that is a BIG deal. As a reward, I promised him he could he could pick out a movie from the "big movie theater" and have a date night with just mommy. He was beyond excited!
Not watching a lot of TV lately, I had no clue what was out for children. After scanning the list of available movies, I let him watch the trailer for all the appropriate options and he chose Disney's new movie Big Hero 6.
He couldn't wait to see the "super hero robot movie", and could hardly contain himself when I upped the surprise to not only include attending with just mommy, but that Carrie Beth's son Boo-Boo could also join us.
Both boys were so adorable throughout the whole experience. I gave them each their own money and let them buy their own tickets. They thought they were so big when they got to hand their tickets to the ticket taker all by themselves and then a movie theater employee escorted them to their big seats.
I even let them order all by themselves, and told them they could get whatever they wanted.
On my way in I had told the waitress that if they ordered all desserts to bring them chicken fingers, and prayed that there wouldn't be a meltdown when those showed up instead of the chocolate cake they ordered.
They surprised me though and the only special treat they ordered was popcorn. I was 99% proud, and 1% sad. This meant I couldn't sneak any cake bites when they weren't looking.
They looked so tiny in their big chairs!
Once the movie started, they didn't move or make a peep. The moment the movie unfolded with a scene of robot fighting they were hooked.
Here is a summary of the movie from Disney's website:
"Big Hero 6 is an action-packed comedy-adventure about robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who learns to harness his genius—thanks to his brilliant brother Tadashi and their like-minded friends: adrenaline junkie Go Go Tamago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred. When a
The boys loved it. They sat rapturous the whole time, cheered during appropriate parts, and even made me sit through the entire roll of credits so they wouldn't miss one second of Hiro and Baymax. I'm not kidding. Every. Single. Credit.
Once the credits were done, the quiet calm movie watching boys left the building, and two wild crime fighting super heroes entered their three year old bodies. They exploded out of the movie theater and all the way to the bathroom they karate chopped, high kicked, and somersaulted their way through the crowd.
All those years of tiny tot gymnastics were apparently coming to use all in one night.
It was cracking everyone up, and I wish I had gotten a picture in between my laugh crying. :)
I came away from this movie the same way I felt about Frozen. I loved it, clearly the kids loved it, and the ultimate story's message made me feel happy. There were a few parts that I thought might be above their heads or worried me might make them upset, but they didn't bat an eyelash over it or ask tough questions later. (So as to not reveal spoilers, if you would like to know what parts I am referring to feel free to email us and I will let you know.)
While the movie definitely leaned more male friendly, I would highly recommend it for both boys and girls. The movie was fast paced, filled with action, and again had a great message behind it. The super hero team is formed by six males and females of different backgrounds and personalities. All were funny and engaging and often breaking stereotypes.
Both boys locked onto the big squishy marshmallow looking robot character Baymax, and I don't mind it one bit as he is an excellent role model, and conveyed multiple positive messages to their young minds.
Before we were even leaving the movie theater parking lot, both boys were already asking when could they watch Big Hero 6 again. I have a feeling both Carrie Beth and I will be purchasing this DVD in the future.

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