Happy New Year Everyone!!
We hope everyone has had a fabulous start to 2015! Yesterday we did lots of celebrating. New Year's Eve is always fun in this house. We get to celebrate not only the beginning of a new year, but my wonderful hubby's birthday as well.
This year the hubby wanted to keep it low key. We planned a yummy local dinner, and followed it up with a kid/adult slumber party at our house with Carrie Beth's family.
How cute were she and her girls? I LOVED that they matched!!!
Carrie Beth's sweet cousin, B, offered to babysit the kids for us so we could enjoy an adult only dinner. She is so much fun and the kids love her!
They had a blast eating pizza, drinking their own "special juice", and watching movies in their pjs. Waaaaay more fun than hanging out with the mommies and daddies for sure. The boys were cracking us up as they were totally uninterested in taking pictures while they were clinking their super hero juices together and saying "cheers!".
Dinner was delicious, and as always, filled with TONS of laughs. Love our little group! Besties B & S ended up getting sick and missing the dinner. We absolutely hated that they couldn't be there, but they were still there in spirit when they surprised us with calling the restaurant and picking up our cocktail tab. That is a brave offer considering we tend to have a thirsty group. Thank you so much B & S!!!
The night ended with more celebratory cocktails at our house and some new fun card games. We rang in the new year with a champagne toast, and laughed the rest of the night away. It was the perfect way to ring in the new year and celebrate someone super special in our lives.
I am looking forward to 2015 and all of its potential. We already have a few fun things on the calendar and I am so excited!
I have a few personal goals/resolutions for the year. I am usually pretty good at keeping my yearly resolutions, but this year's goals might be slightly challenging in some aspects because a few divert from my natural personality. Maybe you guys can help keep me accountable. :)
Jen's 2015 Goals/Resolutions:
1: Have girlfriend time at least once a month.
I am very blessed to have some wonderful ladies in my life.
I think it is very important to spend time with your girlfriends and have their
support. Sometimes as a mommy/wife I realize I tend to put girlfriend time on
the back burner, and my goal this year is to carve out some time with just my girls
once a month...kid/husband free. Some crazy thing tells me my girls
will be on board for this. :)
2: Learn to say "No."
I am awful at this, and saying it goes against my natural make-up, but this
year I need to learn to say "no". I over commit myself a lot. I tend to volunteer or agree
to certain things out, and sometimes it isn't what is best for me or my family.
Don't get me wrong...I love the fun chaos of most things I do. Just sometimes
I realize it's too much. So more "no". (Gah, it's even hard to type!)
3: Be healthier.
Now this isn't get skinnier. This is be healthier. I already eat well,
and am pretty good at exercising, but at a recent dinner night, we got on the subject
of general practitioners/doctors visits. I admitted that I don't see a doctor regularly, and if in
the off chance I get sick, I usually visit the minute clinic. What??? How un-adult is that??
Outside of the OB for pregnancy visits (and the one random time this summer I had to visit a dermatologist for an unfortunate wrinkle cream mishap) I just determined it wasn't
important to find one. So this year my goal is to find a doctor I love, and
keep on top of all things healthy.
Outside of the OB for pregnancy visits (and the one random time this summer I had to visit a dermatologist for an unfortunate wrinkle cream mishap) I just determined it wasn't
important to find one. So this year my goal is to find a doctor I love, and
keep on top of all things healthy.
4: Date night once a month.
This should be an easy one because I know the Hubs will be on board. As most
parents we tend to get caught up in the every day routine. We are a well oiled
machine over here, but sometimes we need to break out and hit the town every
once and while. And preferably at a restaurant that doesn't offer a playground at
its facility. ;)
5: Run in a 5k. And finish first in my age group.
Now we attend several 5ks throughout the year in our house, but I usually have a
stroller and run/walk it. Stroller or not, my goal this year is to run the whole time and
finish first in my age group. Why I want to do this is beyond me. I hate running. But
now that I have been bumped up to the next age bracket I think it would be nice
to accomplish once, and say "Old girl's still got it!"
6: Keep up with family photos.
Being a former photographer you would think I would have this one down pat.
Nope! I have tons of photos stored digitally, but I am awful about printing them, framing
them or just plain doing anything with them. I have a few ideas,
but something needs to be done!
7: Put my phone down!
This one will also be tough because I do enjoy being able to chat with my husband/friends
during the day, quickly catch up on the news during lunch, or "google-ing" something
at a moments notice. But the days that I put my phone down, or go on vacation and lock my
phone away, I LOVE! So my goal is one day a week to just shut it down
(probably on Sundays) and not even look at it until the next morning.
So there are my goals for this year. We will see! What are some of your resolutions/goals for 2015?

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