At the beginning of the month, we began our playroom renovation. I am proud to say it is definitely shaping up to be exactly what we were envisioning from our checklist.
Playroom Re-do Checklist
- Repair/repaint damaged wall.
- Build a better storage system.
- Organize games/arts & crafts in their own space (and out of the hands of Little Cute).
- Create a chalkboard wall.
- Hang artwork and photos.
So far we have done a great job of giving a lot of toys a new home (outside of our house). Once that was accomplished, my handy husband wasted no time tackling our biggest problem!
The Hubs drew up some amazing plans for a built-in storage system and went immediately into action to bring his idea to life.
We decided to build the storage system into the left wall of our playroom that had sustained damage from a toy. He repaired the wall and then we were in business. We didn't worry about painting it considering it would be covered with the storage system.
He measured and cut all of the wood first, and I learned a neat time saving trick watching him in the process. He wanted to make the shelves adjustable so that we can use them for a variety of different uses. Instead of measuring each individual board and drilling holes for the hardware, he used a pegboard, cut to size, as his guide. It definitely made that portion of the project fly.
From there it became a two person job. And maybe a little help from a cute dog now and then too.
One of us held the boards in place while the other used the nail gun to secure the boards in place.
The Hubs informed me the best way to do this was by laying it flat first and then we would bring it upright and attach the back. I was usually the holder and I am not gonna lie...that position made me a little nervous. I would have much rather been the one in charge of shooting the nails instead of the one on the receiving end.
Once the back was on, the plan was to move the storage system into place against the wall to secure it. Oh my was this a process. I wish I had video of us trying to accomplish this portion because it would have been worthy or a laugh or two. Or 15.
So we had done the previous step out in the open space, and logic would have told you that you could just slide it back into place. That was already an effort because it is HEAVY. But much to our astonishment it wouldn't fit. After doing some measuring, one of the walls that we were sliding our monstrous storage system past wasn't plumb. Sliding it into the space wasn't going to be so easy for the first few inches.
Not to be defeated, we did lots of shimmying, sliding, and crowbarring with maybe a bad word or two thrown in. It reminded me a little of this scene...
Eventually we finally got it into the space and it fit great!
After securing it to the back wall, the Hubs added the adjustable cross shelves. We planned for two rows of cubbies and one row of taller storage using standard size storage bins as our guide for height.
From there is it was just cut, adjust, repeat. I love how handy my husband is and am very thankful he took two days out of a crazy schedule to get this done. His man room looks like it might officially escape toy invasion (for now).
Now that the storage system is finished and in place, it is time for me to go in and paint. Luckily from our list it seems like our hardest tasks are behind us.
Playroom Re-do Checklist
- Organize games/arts & crafts in their own space (and out of the hands of Little Cute).
- Create a chalkboard wall.
- Hang artwork and photos.
- Paint. Lots and lots of painting.
Now I'm off to do some painting. Lots and lots of painting. Happy Monday everyone!

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