Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Making my least favorite chore a little easier {Dropps + A Giveaway}

We all have those household chores that you just despise, right?  If there is one chore that I could take off my to-do list it would be laundry.  I don't like any of it...the sorting, washing, drying, folding, and my very least favorite, the putting away.  Unfortunately, this is the one chore that is non-stop in most households and just when you think you get all caught up, there is another load waiting for you.

I know some people save up and do all of their laundry on one day, but I prefer to constantly have my washer/dryer working for me.  I do laundry every single day to stay on top of it.  I never leave the dryer running if we aren't at home, but I will start a load in the washer when I'm about to run errands so that when I'm back all I have to do is toss it into the dryer.  I also do laundry a lot at night.  Because our laundry room is upstairs near the kids' bedrooms, I'll start a load when I take the kids up to get ready for bed and by the time I finally have everyone tucked in it's ready to dry so I'll do at least another load then, too.  

Generally I do laundry by family member because I find it easier and faster to tackle putting it away.  I have started having the kids help put their laundry away so it is nice to have each of theirs separated for this.  I drop off the basket in Little Mama's room and she can put everything away independently, Boo-Boo knows where everything goes, but needs a little help to not just bunch it all up as he is putting it in drawers and Blondie falls somewhere in the middle of the two.

Because this everyday chore is something that won't be going away I have learned to just embrace it and try to find ways to make it just a little easier on me.  So, you can imagine how excited I was when we were contacted a few weeks ago by Dropps, a new company that is offering unit dose laundry cleaning products.  We got to try their new trail kit and let me just say, I'm hooked!

These pre-measured pacs of laundry detergent are so simple and easy to use.  You literally just toss it in and go.  I love that I don't need to worry about the giant laundry detergent jug anymore and less mess is definitely a plus.  Dropps dissolve completely and really clean the clothes well.  My kids have stains left and right and if Dropps can tackle those stains, I know it is working well.

Another big bonus for Dropps is that they were given the EPA's Safer Choice label.  Basically, that means they use safer chemical ingredients. I love knowing that I'm using products that are safe for my family and the environment, without giving up any of the cleaning power my laundry needs.

Since my babies were born I've always used a Free & Clear detergent for the whole family.  Dropps offers this, which is great for my kids with sensitive skin, but if you prefer scented detergent they have several options to choose from.  Also, they offer FREE SHIPPING from their site on ALL products.  How amazing!?!  Now you don't have to pick up heavy laundry detergent jugs on your shopping trip and instead this more convenient way of doing laundry can be delivered right to your doorstep...for free!  That's a win-win.

The fabulous team at Dropps wants to giveaway away a trial kit to one of our lucky readers!  You will get to choose from the Bestseller Trail Kit, Scent + Dye Free/Sensitive Skin Trial Kit or Baby Trial Kit.  To enter the giveaway, see the rafflecopter below.  The winner will be announced the week of August 24th.

You can learn more about Dropps from their website HERE.  You can also follow them on social media including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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1 comment:

  1. Those look like great little pods, I would love to try them out, thanks for the opportunity!


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